Coronavirus not very megathread.

I feel like we'll have a lockdown of some capacity until mid January

So there it is .. exposed in full view ..

UK government admit 23 million people have held strong and NOT taken the potion .. that's a third of the population that have held the line ...

See your not alone in a world of Bullshit and lies .. people DO know this is a game and are NOT playing ..

I notice that your posts never have sources that aren't videos from bitchute or rumble.

Funny that.
There is the Hong Kong University experiment that showed it replicated less well in lung tissue compared with Delta and OG virus, but that was ex-vivo and those numbers are still relative, and ultimately its still sars-cov-2. I think that the severity of any virus infection is almost always tied to the immune response of the host and so any strain that becomes dominant should be considered with caution because its not so much how the virus is changing but how we respond to those changes that matters.
And what steps we take to reduce the chance of any other variants of concern, if I may say.
I notice that your posts never have sources that aren't videos from bitchute or rumble.

Funny that.
Because on the rare occasion he does, they get debunked within minutes.
He's said 3 times that cancer patients are dying in their droves due to the NHS being too overrun vaccinating everyone. Source? Lol.
Sounds like an interesting paper. Have the link by chance?

The second part of your response is hard to understand. Virulence is the harmfulness of an infection. That incorporates both the genetics of the pathogen and the susceptibility of the host, including adaptive immunity. But regardless, mutations can be favored for both lower or higher inherent virulence. Aspects of the external environmental (ex host density) and characteristics of the pathogen (ex. Transmission mode and life history) will influence optimal virulence. Pathogens that are less dependent on a healthy host for transmission can exploit more aggressively without incurring the same fitness costs.

Discussed here with link:

Will update with thoughts on second part later
Everyone is almost.

I was chatting to two co workers in the office earlier who I've never really discussed covid with.

The dynamics are so funny because all 3 of us were being quite PC about it at first - you know the vibe. A bit non committal and putting out feelers to see where you can take the conversation without labelled a covid denier or similar.

After this feeling out period, the gloves were off and both of them had a proper rant and agreed with basically everything I said.

So many people are now starting to question this shit, but most of them are frightened to say anything. They don't want to be labelled.
I do service work and am in and out of 10 to 30 households a week. What the media is telling us doesn't reflect reality.

I'm flipping channels and V for Vendetta is on. The bit where the chancellor is ranting and raving on TV while people are just rolling their eyes is spot on. If I had to make a "mandatory must watch/listen" list, Eisenhower's farewell speech would top it, but V for Vendetta would be in the top 5.
I do service work and am in and out of 10 to 30 households a week. What the media is telling us doesn't reflect reality.

I'm flipping channels and V for Vendetta is on. The bit where the chancellor is ranting and raving on TV while people are just rolling their eyes is spot on. If I had to make a "mandatory must watch/listen" list, Eisenhower's farewell speech would top it, but V for Vendetta would be in the top 5.

Out of likes, but Like.
That's very good news.

I hope so, but also am still hesitant. Delta seems to have followed the same pattern of replicating a little lower in lungs and higher in bronchus but ended up, at a minimum, no less severe than wild type. It's not like there is no replication in the lungs with omicron, just a little less. Possible the higher loads in bronchus and increased rt more than offset the positives. We simply don't know enough about what the real drivers of severe illness are.

Personally even if there were zero lung presence still not fucking wit it because we know it likes to go straight up from nasal cavity and into central nervous system. Would certainly be nice to cross off lung fibrosis from long term effects list though lol.
I hope so, but also am still hesitant. Delta seems to have followed the same pattern of replicating a little lower in lungs and higher in bronchus but ended up, at a minimum, no less severe than wild type. It's not like there is no replication in the lungs with omicron, just a little less. Possible the higher loads in bronchus and increased rt more than offset the positives. We simply don't know enough about what the real drivers of severe illness are.

Personally even if there were zero lung presence still not fucking wit it because we know it likes to go straight up from nasal cavity and into central nervous system. Would certainly be nice to cross off lung fibrosis from long term effects list though lol.

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Thing is, even if your worse case scenario occurs, the old and vulnerable will die. We cannot conquer death. Not aiming this at you, but that's godlike wannabe thinking. People are gonna fucking perish, in 30yrs I'll be one of those people (maybe earlier, I'm sure smoking heavily and other substance use will mean that by 60 I'm fair game....hey, I chose my poison).

We cannot conquer death. We'll never stop the spread, 20 boosters won't do the job. That means old people, fat cunts and the unfortunately compromised won't be able to avoid it. Fact of life.
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Thing is, even if your worse case scenario occurs, the old and vulnerable will die. We cannot conquer death. Not aiming this at you, but that's godlike wannabe thinking. People are gonna fucking perish, in 30yrs I'll be one of those people (maybe earlier, I'm sure smoking heavily and other substance use will mean that by 60 I'm fair game....hey, I chose my poison).

We cannot conquer death. We'll never stop the spread, 20 boosters won't do the job. That means old people, fat cunts and the unfortunately compromised won't be able to avoid it. Fact of life.

Haha well tbf my worst case scenario is the virus evolves to kill all the hosts (unlikely but not impossible and not unheard of).

But I hear you... We're not going to all going to live in a bubble forever, some other people will probably need to though I bet. Which will suck for them.

Not concerned with dying but I'm pretty young with young family to take care of and am more concerned with long term effects and those getting in the way of that. I already do put considerable effort and make a lot of sacrifices for my health and fitness so personally I don't see an issue with some small lifestyle changes to prevent disease as well right now.

Really I just want my youngest to get vaccinated and be protected from the most serious outcomes. Hopefully early 2022 that happens. I'll stick with the respirator in public buildings when I feel I need to untill intranasal vaccines are introduced. Anti virals you can take at home, etc. Next gen of vax and treatments are on their way. Outside of miracle herd immunity the tech is our only way out of this and back to "normal" most likely. No one is going to do the intensive non pharm interventions anymore.
Haha well tbf my worst case scenario is the virus evolves to kill all the hosts (unlikely but not impossible and not unheard of).

But I hear you... We're not going to all going to live in a bubble forever, some other people will probably need to though I bet. Which will suck for them.

Not concerned with dying but I'm pretty young with young family to take care of and am more concerned with long term effects and those getting in the way of that. I already do put considerable effort and make a lot of sacrifices for my health and fitness so personally I don't see an issue with some small lifestyle changes to prevent disease as well right now.

Really I just want my youngest to get vaccinated and be protected from the most serious outcomes. Hopefully early 2022 that happens. I'll stick with the respirator in public buildings when I feel I need to untill intranasal vaccines are introduced. Anti virals you can take at home, etc. Next gen of vax and treatments are on their way. Outside of miracle herd immunity the tech is our only way out of this and back to "normal" most likely. No one is going to do the intensive non pharm interventions anymore.

You gotta do you, mate. We're all in this for selfish reasons and the word 'selfish' needs to be destigmatised. Nothing wrong with wanting what's best for you and your own. As long as it doesn't infringe on others.

I will wear a mask in places I need to. Fine.

But I will never lose sleep over the death of a 30 stone mess that doesn't even have the decency to look after THEMSELVES. Why should I feel guilty over their state, when they don't care themselves.

Peace mate, no argument with you.
Discussed here with link:

Will update with thoughts on second part later

I hope so, but makes me wonder why UK is being hospitalized. This is from almost a week ago, and expected to go much higher

SO it looks like the Omicron is really THAT transimissible that it closed Cornell campus in a single day

No severe illness, but all them were fully vaxxed AND young

I notice that your posts never have sources that aren't videos from bitchute or rumble.

Funny that.

No it's from the week 50 vaccine report .. government ..

Don't be lazy and have a look .

But you still wouldn't believe it anyways .
Haha well tbf my worst case scenario is the virus evolves to kill all the hosts (unlikely but not impossible and not unheard of).

But I hear you... We're not going to all going to live in a bubble forever, some other people will probably need to though I bet. Which will suck for them.

Not concerned with dying but I'm pretty young with young family to take care of and am more concerned with long term effects and those getting in the way of that. I already do put considerable effort and make a lot of sacrifices for my health and fitness so personally I don't see an issue with some small lifestyle changes to prevent disease as well right now.

Really I just want my youngest to get vaccinated and be protected from the most serious outcomes. Hopefully early 2022 that happens. I'll stick with the respirator in public buildings when I feel I need to untill intranasal vaccines are introduced. Anti virals you can take at home, etc. Next gen of vax and treatments are on their way. Outside of miracle herd immunity the tech is our only way out of this and back to "normal" most likely. No one is going to do the intensive non pharm interventions anymore.

I'm a little less sensitive than the renaissance

Youre fucking crazy..
I hope so, but makes me wonder why UK is being hospitalized. This is from almost a week ago, and expected to go much higher

You need to take that study for what it is but reports from South Africa showed that the hospitalisations there were not of the same character as earlier in the year, in that only a small proportion of them required ventilation and ICU admission. So while admissions are something to watch maybe they wont be as good indicators of severe disease as they were previously. Of course all admissions still impact the ability of the hospitals to manage patients and delays for an ambulance and actual admission into the hospital building are already serious problems here.

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