International Coronavirus Breaking News, v13: Over 21,000 Healthcare Workers From Around The U.S Heading To N.Y

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Super excessive IMO. This is what happens with the pendulum swinging to both sides of extreme. Pray to god it doesn't happen in TN. This will have a terrible effect on Virginians mental health, especially for the people who were already following the guidelines of staying home on their own.
It might be rescinded if everything goes well, and you can still exercise, go to work, walk the dog, take care of family, shop for essentials and so on. Still, June 10th seems like an excessively long time. Have you shut down work for non-essentials as well?
The guy is an idiot. Like many in the U.S. Congress. He has said many stupid things and will continue to say them. He said that the COVID-19 was just a flu virus.

Yeah I have Brazilian chat mates they say they don't like Bolsonaro and that he is a complete idiot, but with what he is saying recently is really of the charts.
Brazil’s Bolsonaro downplays coronavirus risks: ‘We’re all going to die one day’

RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro continues to defy calls from health officials looking to prevent gatherings that might spread the new coronavirus, posting videos of himself gathering small crowds in several neighborhoods in the capital of Brasilia.

Since the beginning of the outbreak, Bolsonaro has downplayed the risks of COVID-19, calling it a “little flu” that largely threatens the elderly and most vulnerable. He has urged them to self-isolate, but otherwise has stressed the need to keep Brazil’s economy running. He has clashed with several state governors who have introduced quarantine measures, such as in Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro.

“The virus is here, we’re going to have to confront it. Confront it like a man, not a boy!” Bolsonaro told supporters outside his official residence on Sunday. “We’re all going to die one day.”

As of Sunday, the Brazilian Health Ministry had reported 3,904 confirmed cases and 114 deaths
Time to drop some chud math

The virus is gonna hit 1 9/11 of death today or 749 Benghazis
Time to drop some chud math

The virus is gonna hit 1 9/11 of death today or 749 Benghazis

Speaking of the 9/11 why do I feel that even after this is over even after all the deaths there will be Corona Virus truthers that will claime there was really no pandmic and that its a worldwide conspiracy to crash the economy.

Virus don't melt steel!
Two months supply: Global shortage of condoms as COVID-19 pandemic hits world's biggest producer

Here comes the aids epidemic!

7 potential lingering effects of COVID-19 on the economy: Don Pittis

'We will deliver right to the border': B.C. town vows to look after U.S. neighbours in pandemic
Residents of a small B.C. border town have pledged to help their Alaskan neighbours during the COVID-19 crisis, although the border between Canada and the United States is closed to non-essential travel.

People are stuck at home with nothing to only prediction for this whole thing was lots and lots of fuckin’. The new boomer generation looms

Entire Crew Of A Russian Nuclear Submarine Is In Quarantine After COVID-19 Exposure
Joseph Trevithick

The entire crew of one of the Russian Navy's eight Project 949A Oscar II class guided missile submarines is reportedly in quarantine over concerns they may have been exposed to the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. This underscores the very serious implications that the rapidly expanding pandemic is almost certain to have on the readiness of military forces around the world, including the U.S. military, as time goes on, something the War Zone has already explored in detail.

B-port, an online Russian news outlet based in the northern port city of Murmansk, was first to report that the crew of the Oscar II class submarine Orel was in quarantine on Mar. 26, 2020. Russian Navy officials made this decision after learning that a civilian contractor who had visited the boat on official business had come into contact with another individual who tested positive for COVID-19.

Orel is homeported at the Guba Bolshaya Lopatka submarine base, which is part of the larger Zapadnaya Litsa naval base, on the Kola Peninsula. The base is situated to the northwest of Murmansk, as well as Severomorsk, a closed city that serves as the headquarters for the Russian Navy's entire Northern Fleet.

It's unclear how many Russian Navy personnel, as well as other individuals who work at Guba Bolshaya Lopatka, are in quarantine now, but a Project 949A submarine has a typical crew compliment of 110. B-port also reported that personnel from a second, unnamed submarine and floating workshop moored close to Orel had been placed in insolation for fear that they may also have been exposed to COVID-19.
Show me proof then. This is historically accurate.

We know that there was only one instance of that virus going from the animal world to the humans. That single infection from December, just four months ago, has not given birth to several strains with huge differences in potency.

About the single contamination from animals:

Most estimates since the first data was produced have produced a date that is consistent with the epidemiological reports of a first cluster of cases in December at a seafood market in Wuhan City. As more genomes have been generated, this is looking increasingly supported by the timing of the MRCA of the sampled genomes.

Although this is increasingly obvious from the reports of spread and numbers of confirmed cases and definitive evidence of human to human transmission, the genome sequence data shows no evidence that any non-human animal reservoir has been involved in generating new cases after the initial zoonotic event. If cases in January had been the result of new zoonotic jumps from a reservoir, we would expect those genomes to be more divergent and lie outside the observed diversity to that point.

We can conclude therefore, based on available genome sequence data that the current epidemic has been driven entirely by human to human transmission at least since December. Although this virus may still exist in one or more non-human animal species this will not be of major consequence until the current human epidemic is brought under control.
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The Globe and Mail

Nine residents die, 34 staff suffer symptoms as coronavirus devastates Bobcaygeon, Ont. nursing home

Nurse describes a 'war zone’ that’s believed to be Ontario’s most widespread outbreak to date


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A body is removed on a stretcher from the Pinecrest Nursing Home in Bobcaygeon, Ont., on March 29.


On the day after three residents of the Pinecrest Nursing Home in Bobcaygeon, Ont., tested positive for COVID-19, the facility’s medical director e-mailed family members to brace them for the worst.

“It’s possible that you may face the decision to send your loved one to the hospital, especially if they develop pneumonia and have trouble breathing,” Michelle Snarr wrote on March 21. “This would raise the question of going on a ventilator. A frail nursing-home patient who is put on a ventilator is quite likely to suffer a great deal, and may not survive … I am asking all of you to think hard about what would be in the best interest of your loved ones.”

In the little more than a week since Dr. Snarr sent her e-mail, the worst has come to pass at the small cottage-country nursing home about 150 kilometres northeast of Toronto.

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Excellent. Hope you manage to stay safe dealing with Joe Public throughout these goofy times.
My day so far has consisted of kicking people out of parks and investigating complaints of unauthorized businesses being open. Fun times.
Too bad our government wasn’t more bloated then maybe hospitals would be funded and the death rate could resemble Germany or South Korea- two countries which will be much better suited for the post-CV19 economy.

The Canadian government doesn't really need money draining federal departments like the Status of Women Canada and there is ridiculous amounts of money pissed away on FMNI (native) issues.

Taiwan says WHO not sharing coronavirus information it provides, pressing complaints
Reuters Editorial

TAIPEI (Reuters) - The World Health Organization (WHO) has not shared with member states information Taiwan has provided on the coronavirus including details on its cases and prevention methods, Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry said on Monday, ratcheting up its complaints.

Taiwan’s lack of membership of the U.N. body, due to Chinese pressure which claims the island as its own with no right to the trappings of statehood, has infuriated the Taiwanese government during the outbreak of the virus.

Taiwan’s government has said that keeping it out of the WHO during the outbreak amounts to playing politics with Taiwanese lives, even as the island has won plaudits for keeping its case toll so comparatively low thanks to early detection and control methods.

Both the WHO and China say Taiwan has been provided with the help it needs.

Taiwan last week said the WHO ignored its questions at the start of the coronavirus outbreak, part of what it has long described as a pattern that puts it at risk because of Chinese pressure to exclude it from international bodies.

On Sunday, the WHO issued a rare statement about Taiwan, saying it was closely following the development of the coronavirus there, is learning lessons from how they are fighting it, and detailing how the WHO has been working with Taiwanese health experts.

In response, Taiwan Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Joanne Ou said the WHO needed to “continue to review and improve upon some unreasonable restrictions imposed on Taiwan based on political considerations”.

While Taiwan can report to the WHO via its International Health Regulations framework and can access information from WHO’s internal Event Information Site, the information Taiwan provides is not shared by the WHO, Ou said.

Since the start of the coronavirus outbreak, Taiwan has given the WHO all the information about its cases and prevention methods, but this has never been included in the WHO’s daily updated situation report, she added.

“Therefore, the health bodies of various countries cannot understand the current situation of Taiwan’s epidemic situation, preventive policies and border quarantine measures from the information provided by the WHO,” Ou said.

“This shows that what the WHO said in its statement that it is learning from all regions, including Taiwan, to share ‘best practices’ with the world, differs from the facts.”

Taiwan has also been excluded from over 70 percent of WHO technical meetings in the last decade, and for a key February meeting on the virus Taiwan experts were not allowed to attend in person, only online, she said.

The WHO includes Taiwan’s number of cases under those of China. Taiwan says this confuses other countries into believing its virus situation is the same as China’s, when China has no say in the island’s health policy or virus-prevention methods.

Honestly, the best thing that happened to to Taiwan was being excluded from WHO. They took matters into their own hands early and they are one of the few industrialized nations still pretty much functioning as normal.
People are stuck at home with nothing to only prediction for this whole thing was lots and lots of fuckin’. The new boomer generation looms
And we shall dub them "coronials"
We know that there was only one instance of that virus going from the animal world to the humans.

Not true, we don't know that for sure.

That single infection from December, just four months ago, has not given birth to several strains with huge difference in potency.

Dude... You keep failing. These studies are based on strains found only in TESTED PEOPLE who are SEVERLY SICK and develop PNEUMONIA SYMPTOMS.

There are thousands of people with mild flu symptoms or no symptoms at all, who are not tested. Real infection rate is not known. YOU DON'T KNOW IF THESE PEOPLE DON'T HAVE SOME OTHER/YET UNKNOWN STRAIN (99% probability this is the case).
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