International Coronavirus Breaking News, v13: Over 21,000 Healthcare Workers From Around The U.S Heading To N.Y

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Si vis pacem, para bellum
Dec 6, 2010
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Mod note: Keep it on topic. Random political topics should go in the appropriate thread. This thread is for new and ongoing info related to Covid-19.



Hi guys,

I think by now we were able to inform and educate as many that we could about what's coming, when early preparation mattered. I'm not just talking about early shopping for essential household supplies or sorting out our 401K and stocks holdings a month ago, but also convincing our complacent friends and families to change some of their personal habits and travels planning that could help keeping them out of harm's way. You might seems crazy then, or even laughed at by some of them because you were the only one in your circle who knew what's coming from watching the Asian prologue, but they're probably grateful for you soon enough.

For the handful of you who DIDN'T listen or even tried to downplay the seriousness of the situation when others warned you earlier in this series, and now find your pants around your ankles as your own states and cities are instituting containment measures, good luck to you and your families as well.

Now that the pandemic pretty much has arrived for us all, all preparations that could have been done are done, and there's nothing left to do but to brace for impact, the Mods and I have decided to let this thread continue running its course.

There will be no more new thread splits or new Thread Indexes to help late-comers catch up, as everyone should be caught up with all the basics from the previous chapters by now, and v13 will remains the last and final chapter on this series until the storm comes to pass. I will try to update the OP once a day with the biggest news updates that you guys contribute to the thread, but I think we all know we're about to be hit with a tsunami of bad news from here on out, so I apologize if I can't include them all.

It's going to be tough to process it all in one huge Mega Thread, but the Mods are here to help as much as they can, so if you see any thread-derailment attempts from a repeated offender, please don't respond to them, just smash that Report button so they can be re-added to the Thread Ban for one last time, and this final chapter can continue on track with all the latest Breaking News around the world.

Stay safe, everyone! :)


The International Coronavirus Breaking News Thread, v13 - The Final Chapter

- This serious topic about the latest worldwide developments on the COVID-19 pandemic is for rational and informed grown-ups only! Neither the hysterical "The end is nigh!" nor the ignorant "Just the flu" bros are welcomed here!

- If you are here specifically for other reasons than to contribute new International Breaking News, consider the following threads that are more suitable for your needs:
  • The U.S Govt Response Analysis thread for all Trump-related tribal politics.
  • The Economy thread for in-depth discussions on the effects the pandemic has on the economy.
  • The Meme thread for all your shoops and memes.
  • The Flu comparison thread if you want to bang with the Just The Flu bros.

- Refrain from clogging up the thread with off-topic derailments, be it mindless political rants, dumb memes, or regurgitating unsubstantiated conspiracy theories (bio-weapons or otherwise) that had been done to death in the previous threads (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12)

Stay calmed and informed. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Be safe, everyone! :)

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Coronavirus Breaking News, v12:
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Coronavirus Breaking News, v9:
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Coronavirus Breaking News, v6:
Coronavirus Breaking News, v5:
Coronavirus Breaking News, v4:
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Unknowable at this point. How many have died from the presumed "flu" while actually having covid-19 and it was assumed the flu because testing was unavailable? Again, unknowable. If we could get some adequate testing done it would help ease a lot of tensions.
They've simply done away with numbers in The Netherlands, we moved into the realm of statistics somewhere late last week, so basically (un?)educated guesses around the least amount of sampling as possible, i.e. only testing people on death's door NOW, so not from a month or longer ago. We'll never get an accurate mortality rate on this asshat virus.
On the European Front:

In the U.S:

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European countries sealing their borders:

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Late comers to the party:

I don't even wanna imagine what it would be like if any of the countries on that list became the next Italy or Iran.

Common sense would have to believe so.

From the sounds of the UK it sounds like they believe so many have come in contact that they've basically given up on some preventative protocols.

It's kinda sounding like a ability to get this thing contained may be an exhaustive and unwinnable battle. Minus the success they've been having in China (who lies) and South Korea.

I kinda took away from the Rogan podcast with the expert that the virus will just go through the populations and we'll develop and immunity and those that don't die. With the elder, obese, smokers, and people with respiratory issues get the short end of the stick.

As cruel as it may sound, in the long run this may help economies. The old are a huge reason for drying up social service benefits and for pharmaceutical companies to have the ability to price gouge.
I joined the corona club
one of my eldest daughter's teacher came back sick last week from vacation in Italy. all my kids have been quarantined since tuesday (it took one week for the teacher to finally get checked..). And now we are all at home, experiencing some mild symptom (mild head and chest ache and a bit of coughing). Belgium is under lockdown as of today.
I wonder why the coronavirus looks like red flora surrounding your cells. That's a helluva coincidence considering it's origin. Chinese biological weapon.

So many conspiracy theories, but I haven't read my personal favorite yet.

The Chinese also have a demographic challenge due to an aging population.
I joined the corona club
one of my eldest daughter's teacher came back sick last week from vacation in Italy. all my kids have been quarantined since tuesday (it took one week for the teacher to finally get checked..). And now we are all at home, experiencing some mild symptom (mild head and chest ache and a bit of coughing). Belgium is under lockdown as of today.
let us know how it goes. stay safe.

Good to see more people with lots of green to spare helping out those who will be really affected by all of this.
I joined the corona club
one of my eldest daughter's teacher came back sick last week from vacation in Italy. all my kids have been quarantined since tuesday (it took one week for the teacher to finally get checked..). And now we are all at home, experiencing some mild symptom (mild head and chest ache and a bit of coughing). Belgium is under lockdown as of today.

Best wishes and hope your family will get well soon, bud!

I actually posted this in the Mayberry thread. We do have a drug that is basically an ACE2 inhibitor, and it's in commercial use. It's called Camostat Mesilate. It works by inhibiting the TMPRSS2 protein which prevents the binding of the coronavirus to the lung cells. Japan has been using this for pancreatitis. From what I understand the FDA hasn't given the approval for use in treating Covid-19. Right now it feels that the CDC and FDA have been harming us more than helping us in this pandemic.

The Koreans also use immunosuppressive drugs in conjunction with antivirals for treatment in order to manage the potential cytokine storm. Along with their aggressive testing, this could be why their death rate is so much lower. We really need our national government agencies to be more flexible and proactive, instead of hamstringing local labs, agencies and hospitals.
The European Union leaders are not happy that the countries that hasn't been slammed yet are unilaterally sealing their borders to protect their citizens:

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