Cops arrest 2 black men for no reason in Starbucks

Also, black folk need to quite appropriating suburban white culture. Starbucks is kind of like fubu for white folk.

Ive gone 30 minutes waiting in starbucks for friends and never asked to leave. Hell i even brought my own food.
Hate to be the one to say (because it's so obvious, etc.) it but the "waiting for a friend" excuse is THE #1 generic play all loiterers say in any loitering situation. It doesn't change anything, it doesn't magically transform a loiterer into a not-loiterer. They're still loitering just as badly, except now with obstinate resistance
Not without a delegation of authority.
Being entrusted with the establishment would be considered delegation of authority. He doesn't need to be in possession of a notarized document.
It shows you this persons mindset. Without proof of anything default mode goes straight to racism.
Jackie Blue is good shit and so is Viva. That's why I'm at a loss. This is legit craziness. If anything happens to minorities it's due to racism? I thought we were heading away from inherent identity conferring a protected status to people.
So absolutely no proof, but racism! Come on.

This seems legit crazy to me.
Let's take the R-word out for a minute. My personal experience, my observations, everything I've learned over decades of living tells me that this incident wouldn't have occurred if they were white. Their white friend had the same sense, as did other customers in the store, as did numerous other people in this thread. I'm not saying the manager is racist, Starbucks is racist. But I live in the real world and I see things the way they are, or at least appear to be. YMMV.
Being entrusted with the establishment would be considered delegation of authority. He doesn't need to be in possession of a notarized document.

Not notarized, but techniqually, I do think the manager would need to provide a signed document.

Without that. I could go to my work. Call the cops, claim I fired someone, and have them removed from corporate property.

Now whether cops actually follow the letter of the law, is a different conversation.
Let's take the R-word out for a minute. My personal experience, my observations, everything I've learned over decades of living tells me that this incident wouldn't have occurred if they were white. Their white friend had the same sense, as did other customers in the store, as did numerous other people in this thread. I'm not saying the manager is racist, Starbucks is racist. But I live in the real world and I see things the way they are, or at least appear to be. YMMV.

This wouldn't have occurred if they bought something when asked to buy something. Why not just buy your coffee and your friend can drink his alone if need be?
Jackie Blue is good shit and so is Viva. That's why I'm at a loss. This is legit craziness. If anything happens to minorities it's due to racism? I thought we were heading away from inherent identity conferring a protected status to people.
You're taking logical leaps on your own. I'm evaluating an isolated incident on its own. I'm not applying a label to every interaction ever known to man. People throw around racism accusations all the time. Sometimes they're with merit, sometimes they're not. I evaluate each case on its own.
Let's take the R-word out for a minute. My personal experience, my observations, everything I've learned over decades of living tells me that this incident wouldn't have occurred if they were white. Their white friend had the same sense, as did other customers in the store, as did numerous other people in this thread. I'm not saying the manager is racist, Starbucks is racist. But I live in the real world and I see things the way they are, or at least appear to be. YMMV.
So you're not saying the manager is racist but they were asked to leave because they're black. Occam's butterknife needs sharpening.
You're taking logical leaps on your own. I'm evaluating an isolated incident on its own. I'm not applying a label to every interaction ever known to man. People throw around racism accusations all the time. Sometimes they're with merit, sometimes they're not. I evaluate each case on its own.
i am pretty sure i am viewed as one of the furthest right posters in here. but i guess now i immediately jump to racism
You're taking logical leaps on your own. I'm evaluating an isolated incident on its own. I'm not applying a label to every interaction ever known to man. People throw around racism accusations all the time. Sometimes they're with merit, sometimes they're not. I evaluate each case on its own.
Yes, I made a huge jump to a conclusion - they got the boot because they refused to make a purchase when told to do so or leave. o_O
Hate to be the one to say (because it's so obvious, etc.) it but the "waiting for a friend" excuse is THE #1 generic play all loiterers say in any loitering situation. It doesn't change anything, it doesn't magically transform a loiterer into a not-loiterer. They're still loitering just as badly, except now with obstinate resistance

It does transform a loiterer into a non-loiterer in Starbucks which bills itself a "third place". A "third place" is a place where people can meet and engage even if they're not engaged in commerce (like public libraries or parks). It's intrinsic to the Starbucks business model - that people just spend hours there meeting with people or working. When the Starbucks manager called the cops, it was for people doing exactly what Starbucks wants people to do. This is even more apparent since the person the 2 men were waiting for arrived during the incident.

Starbucks already apologized for the outcome so I don't see why anyone would continue to defend the local manager.

I don't think the cops deserve any blame, they were called and acted on the call. The arrested individuals didn't have a right to stay and should have left when asked. However, the fact that they were asked to leave at all is absurd.
This wouldn't have occurred if they bought something when asked to buy something. Why not just buy your coffee and your friend can drink his alone if need be?
When you feel you're being singled out, especially due to an immutable characteristic, sometimes you refuse out of principle. They were probably used to doing this a certain way, as many people do, and then an uptight manager messes up their plan. I'm glad this has never been an issue for me, as it's never been an issue for almost all Starbucks customers. The signs point in a certain direction as to why they were singled out. Even Starbucks corporate is confirming that this is not how they're supposed to operate, which of course confirms my personal experience as a long time customer.
So absolutely no proof, but racism! Come on.

This seems legit crazy to me.

It's not crazy when Starbucks business model is brought into play. See my above post about "third place" entities. These people were doing exactly what Starbucks, the corporate entity, wants people to do.
It's not crazy when Starbucks business model is brought into play. See my above post about "third place" entities. These people were doing exactly what Starbucks, the corporate entity, wants people to do.
And that is to buy their product.

You refuse, they ask you to leave.
You refuse, they call the cops.

Yes or no?
It does transform a loiterer into a non-loiterer in Starbucks which bills itself a "third place". A "third place" is a place where people can meet and engage even if they're not engaged in commerce (like public libraries or parks). It's intrinsic to the Starbucks business model - that people just spend hours there meeting with people or working. When the Starbucks manager called the cops, it was for people doing exactly what Starbucks wants people to do. This is even more apparent since the person the 2 men were waiting for arrived during the incident.

Starbucks already apologized for the outcome so I don't see why anyone would continue to defend the local manager.

I don't think the cops deserve any blame, they were called and acted on the call. The arrested individuals didn't have a right to stay and should have left when asked. However, the fact that they were asked to leave at all is absurd.
i just dont get how people in here pretend like that is normal behavior for starbucks. as you said, and i said earlier, their entire business model is to be a hangout, a place to work, hold meeting, etc. the fact that they did what everyone does in starbucks and were thrown out for it makes it pretty obvious why they were thrown out.

now if it reveals they were making asses of themselves and bothering people, then i will retract my claim. but considering everyone that came forward has said they acted in an appropriate manner, i believe what i believe to be true.

the cops may have been technically correct in what they did, but they didnt HAVE to arrest them. and if their attitude for the entire time was similar to what we see in the video, they surely should have just told them to get lost.

i still am amazed that people in here act like this is perfectly normal
Yes, I made a huge jump to a conclusion - they got the boot because they refused to make a purchase when told to do so or leave. o_O
I was referring to your claim that I view any incident involving minorities to automatically be racism. Hell, I won't even focus on that term in this case. Call it what you want. My experience in life and with Starbucks tells me that the odds of this happening if they happened to be white would have been infinitely lower. Many people agree with me. I'm not someone who screams "racism" all the time. I don't think the manager or the cops or Starbucks are necessarily racist. I just think it is what it is. They were black, and I don't think it was entirely coincidental that they were singled out in this instance.
And that is to buy their product.

You refuse, they ask you to leave.
You refuse, they call the cops.

Yes or no?


Starbucks business model as a "third place" is not predicated on people buying the product while there. They want to be a meeting place for people outside of work or home. If you buy something, that's preferred but not required.