You would agree that quality stamps are not facts tho right?
Well not necessarily. How much opinion and judgement does it take to demonstrate and observe gravity for instance?
How come you guys always back down when challenged? If you believe in the theory and the process then defend it.
But alright, fair enough.
I am sure that leftism can be linked to low testosterone and cuckold.
but what do i care...
No of course not. Fact is a term that is very rarely used in academic studies.
It takes a lot more. Evolution is a much better understood concept than gravity.
Why do you keep pretending that you're interested in natural science? It's obvious to anyone with even an elementary understanding of natural science, that you're just a hack. Just admit that you're desperately clinging on to your holy book, and that any discovery that could potentially contradict it, you will refute no matter what.
Do you actually think you're posing scientifically challenging questions? Are you this much in denial?
You have been through this process a thousand times. But of course posters are not going to waste time on you anymore because (A) you can't comprehend the structure of scientific discovery and (B) you're not able to look objectively at the issue, because you have taken your faith in your religion to the extreme.
If you're actually interested in macroevolution. Then here:
And if you're interested in the entire subject of evolution, then here:
Every question you will ever be able to formulate is answered on that website (in quite impressive detal might I add)..
Right but when you reference "quality stamps" you are implying fact or truth. Just appeals to authority when you can't articulate an argument for or defense against.
But we're not talking about concepts. We are talking about processes that can be demonstrated. We may not have a full grasp on every aspect of gravity but we can repeatedly observe and demonstrate it. Can't do that with evolution. Like @Work Play just have to "imagine it" and then its real lol.
I just think you guys are incapable of thinking about evolution with an objective mind. That is why you guys always treat someone who challenges evolution as a "hack" or "religious nut". Truly open minded people don't respond that way.
Sorry but those answers are wholly inadequate and unsatisfying. I would say we could address them but you would just accuse me of being in denial, or of being a religious nut, or just having a low iq. You would then shutdown and run away.
So I suppose we can just agree to disagree.
No, I'm not implying that. When I say peer reviewed, I imply that the article meet certain required standards for it to be cited furtherer.
No, it's not about not having an open mind. If you don't have an open mind you are useless in science. The thing is, you don't need to have an open mind for false elementary level reasoning. Which is what you're putting forth. You need to keep an open mind for questions that can evolve our scientific understanding of the world. Not for hackish blabbering.
Sure.. Agree to disagree. I'm not going to spend more time on this.
Probably because this exact study has had a thread before, and people put it down quickly as being a quack.Crickets.... Surprised the right wingers haven't gone apeshit here yet.
What is the point of citing something if you are not trying to imply truth or fact?
Probably because this exact study has had a thread before, and people put it down quickly as being a quack.
Lol, IQs now apply to one group and don't count for anther? You really must have a load of dog shit for brains. Awesome thread.Interesting you should bring this information up when you consider that:
IQ can be increased or decreased based on a number of variables such as education, access to clean drinking water and quality food and so on. And that because black people are a marginalized people with much higher rates of poverty that would be reflected in their general IQ.
That real factual narrative I just described above is much different than the false one you tried pushing in the above quoted that is trying to establish that black people are genetically dumber than white people. Your loose understanding of IQ was your undoing here.