Media Conor's rehab going great

Clearly seriously injured so no media events and NO FIGHTING. This decision was made in cooperation with the doctors, Conor’s team and the UFC.

Starring in a c level remake does not make one a celebrity.
He was a celebrity from his UFC popularity alone, you goof.
Lol struck a nerve? He was or never will be a celebrity lmao money doesn’t mean fame.

I had an actual Shogun_reacts_to_Conor.gif moment while reading this exchange.

@BigOlJeet no offense bud, but the hill you're looking to die on is absurdly bizarre.

Of-fucking-course he is a celebrity, and pretty much globally at that.
This isn't remotely close to true. He's super fucking famous. He's literally the only MMA fighter who is also a mainstream celebrity. My mother knows who Conor McGregor is, and I certainly didn't tell her.

He's not an A-list celebrity, but it's completely inaccurate to think he isn't a celebrity at all.
I'm just bias Sherbro, hate the Conor bs fiasco. I'll poke jabs regarding him any day.
I'm just bias Sherbro, hate the Conor bs fiasco. I'll poke jabs regarding him any day.
Admitting Conor is a celebrity has nothing to do with liking him.
Fame has nothing to do with whether someone is a good/bad person or worthy of jabs, etc...

Fame is just about how many people know or recognize someone.
And Conor is most certainly famous. Instagram 48M. Twitter 10.5M.
TMZ covers him. He's now getting parts in movies.
He is without a doubt the most famous MMA fighter and I don't think it's even close.

Personally I don't like him much, and Khabib dominating him ended up being one of the best things that happened in MMA IMO. Feel free to poke jabs at him and his veneers. Regardless tho, he is undeniably famous.
His glasses look like those free 3D glasses you would get with magazines back in the day so you could do the 3D puzzle pictures in the magazines, I might still have a pair in the loft.
He's using lip fillers and possibly had botox, what a weird guy.
His teeth were perfectly fine before... I don't know why he had to go Steve Harvey on 'em...

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Because the faker you get, the more fakery looks necessary to you. Ppl like us with real teeth and hair wouldn't be able to understand. Leave that to the socialites - the guys getting the likes on SM. I'll stay getting real love and watching them rack up the likes.
He's incredibly self conscious for a such a successful dude.
Hence why he's coooooooonstantly flexing and puffing his chest...
Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of human psychology can see right through his schtick and see the insecure manlet within.
Good thing Larry David was in there, and not the indifferent old man from the pub.