Conor implies failed USADA test reason Usman withdrew from UFC 256 bout with Burns

He says he's due for a USADA 50 clean tests jacket, and Conor bringing up his own testing history means USADA doesn't have to keep it secret anymore if he'd failed and it hadn't been disclosed.

So you can put down the tinfoil.

Your opinion means nothing to me. I believe he's on something and lies constantly and deflects to make himself look better. My opinion > some little tool on sherdog
Usman definitely a juice-tourkey, but Conor probably gonna lose to DP again. I think DP submits him this time.
People joke about this but seeing Conor's erratic tweets make me think there's something to it. Either that or he's bi-polar.
If drunk Conor tweeted it, he should stop drinking. If sober Conor posted it, he needs to start drinking again.

Don't be naive, he doesn't write his own tweets neither most of his jokes and one liners.
McGregor is having an identity issue. He tried to be humble for a while and got ktfo. Then he got publicly embarrassed for failing to fulfill a promise to donate to charity so now he’s going back to old Mcgregor. Only thing is it’s hard to be that guy when you’re getting owned inside and outside the cage.

He's trying hard to stay relevant.
This cracks me up. If he is so irrelevant then why do you take the time to read posts about him. I could understand if someone said he’s not a great fighter anymore because they would have a good point. To say he is irrelevant is delusional. There is a reason why Dustin chose a fight with Conor over a fight for the belt. Every UFC fighter within weight range would kill for a fight with him.

He's irrelevant.
Does anyone think Usman is natty lmaoooo
They're all on steroids
PEDs are a reality in any sport. It's not necessarily hating if there are rational causes to suspect it, which I would say is definitely the case with Usman. It's suspicious the way he pulled out and it's suspicious that the most jacked guy in the division also happens to have one of the best cardios.
I’m not saying PEDs aren’t a reality nor am I saying Usman is without a doubt a clean athlete. But there simply is no definitive proof that he is on something, and until there is it’s a useless conversation. Fighters pull out of fights because of injuries all the time, it really isn’t suspicious in the slightest.

But thanks for pretty much proving my point.
Even if Usman tested positive, we'll never know and Dana would make the payments necessary to make it disappear.

So bottom line is, fighters that don't juice have a very steep hill to climb in order to win.
Anyone if it is true that Usada violations arent made public anymore?
People act like marty has a high strike output. Dude hardly throws any leg kicks. Nothing but jabs 70pct of the time and body punches. He doesnt use a lot of nrg on take downs either. Not like there is a struggle. When he wants you down you go down instantly.
It's funny how GSP and USMAN get free passes because they've never officially popped despite having ridiculous physiques and cardio.
What's the point of failing tests if results aren't going to be public?

Any serious failing of a test would likely result in a suspension of 1 year or more. So if Usman ever failed a test, he'd likely have to drop the belt like TJ had to.
i would like to know why it was rescheduled
It makes sense that a fighter wouldn’t want to disclose an injury so his opponents wouldn’t target that area. It’s also entirely possible that what Conor says has some truth to it.
I’m not saying PEDs aren’t a reality nor am I saying Usman is without a doubt a clean athlete. But there simply is no definitive proof that he is on something, and until there is it’s a useless conversation. Fighters pull out of fights because of injuries all the time, it really isn’t suspicious in the slightest.

But thanks for pretty much proving my point.

No there isn't any definitive proof. There doesn't have to be, because the reality is that people are on them even without the public having proof of it and even when we have proof via USADA, they still officially claim the athlete (Jon Jones) didn't deliberately take the PEDs without any proof for that and despite Jon already having been busted before. And even a weak ass unsubstantiated theory on pulsing gets the benefit of the doubt for a previously proven PED cheat. The manner in which we, the public, are provided with evidence of cheating is in question here. So the lack of proof, you speak of, might be a direct consequence of it being questionable.
Of course injuries are all the time the cause a fighter pulls out, but not undisclosed injuries, as far as I can remember. It's all not proof, but it is evidence for suspicion. There is nothing wrong with suspicion as long as you understand that it's a suspicion and not a verdict.

But, to be fair, I didn't look up how injuries normally get announced by USADA, but I do remember thinking it was weird to see it stated as undisclosed, at the time.
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Your opinion means nothing to me. I believe he's on something and lies constantly and deflects to make himself look better. My opinion > some little tool on sherdog
Wouldn't be suprised. If there is one fighter who has the means to get the best possible shit available its McGregor.