Crime Cohen’s Opening Statement Ahead of House Testimony

Wgaf if he did really
Because the way he paid her off is illegal.
I know the GOP no longer cares about the law if their team breaks it, but will live in a world that has laws. If we start ignoring those laws, then we descend into chaos.
I teach my children accountability. I should at least expect that out of my elected officials.
Because the way he paid her off is illegal.
I know the GOP no longer cares about the law if their team breaks it, but will live in a world that has laws. If we start ignoring those laws, then we descend into chaos.
I teach my children accountability. I should at least expect that out of my elected officials.
So trumps crooked lawyer handled the payoff and it’s trumps no. That is why you have a lawyer
So trumps crooked lawyer handled the payoff and it’s trumps no. That is why you have a lawyer
Don't work that way kid, Trump is complicit.
That will be the title of lots of history books about the GOP from the Trump Era; Complicit.
Trump is on video denying the Stormy payments, but you are still defending a liar.
So trumps crooked lawyer handled the payoff and it’s trumps no. That is why you have a lawyer
Sure. But he provided no smoking gun to Congress regarding Trump. In fact, regarding collusion he said he had no evidence of Trump or his team colluding with Russia. Why would we assume that he provided more evidence to Mueller? If he did provide more evidence to Mueller and didn’t share that evidence with Congress, isn’t that severe lack of candor to the tribunal and is a knock against his credibility?
Yeah, at least according to him, he never traveled for or was aware of collusion(conspiracy) and Trump might never have been directly involved either. We need to wait for the investigations to conclude to have more of an idea of what the Russians were up to and who exactly was involved.

Right now I'd say it's safe to presume the key figure is Manafort. It's possible he acted for his sole benefit and nobody else was aware. That doesn't really explain Trump's deference to Putin and is a good reason that we need to see what kind of financial ties Trump may have had to Russians or what plans he has to enrich himself when it comes to other leaders like MBS.
So trumps crooked lawyer handled the payoff and it’s trumps no. That is why you have a lawyer

Why do you think he handled the payoff genius? For fun?

Don't work that way kid, Trump is complicit.
That will be the title of lots of history books about the GOP from the Trump Era; Complicit.
Trump is on video denying the Stormy payments, but you are still defending a liar.
Serious question do you think this stormy payment is a huge lie that will get him ousted ? Idgaf how you think it works he ain’t going anywhere. You can either do A root for his success no matter how marginal or B you can kick and scream and whine racism,Russia and stormy day after day until 2024... your choice .
Serious question do you think this stormy payment is a huge lie that will get him ousted ? Idgaf how you think it works he ain’t going anywhere. You can either do A root for his success no matter how marginal or B you can kick and scream and whine racism,Russia and stormy day after day until 2024... your choice .
I am not whining racism, I am a law abiding citizen and expect someone who breaks the law to be punished.
Trump broke the law, and if I like him or not that does not matter.
Justice is blind.
I am not whining racism, I am a law abiding citizen and expect someone who breaks the law to be punished.
Trump broke the law, and if I like him or not that does not matter.
Justice is blind.
They love excusing their daddys corruption. If they had a choice they would declare him king.
I am not whining racism, I am a law abiding citizen and expect someone who breaks the law to be punished.
Trump broke the law, and if I like him or not that does not matter.
Justice is blind.
Well Justice May very well be blind but it also has its due process. And if the dems haven’t been pitching so much bullshit the last two years I would agree with you. You can only cry wolf for so long before nobody gives a fuck. If they had any real concrete evidence the claims of racism in cohens testimony wouldn’t be needed.
Because the way he paid her off is illegal.
I know the GOP no longer cares about the law if their team breaks it, but will live in a world that has laws. If we start ignoring those laws, then we descend into chaos.
I teach my children accountability. I should at least expect that out of my elected officials.

Highly dubious Iegal theory IMO. Sure the fed prosecutors are claiming it is a campaign finance violation, but prosecutors always claim every law prohibits everything at all times.

You could doubtless get an indictment on it because it’s borderline impossible to get a grand jury not to indict anything they are asked to indict. But odds of getting a jury to agree at trial, very low in my estimation.
Well Justice May very well be blind but it also has its due process. And if the dems haven’t been pitching so much bullshit the last two years I would agree with you. You can only cry wolf for so long before nobody gives a fuck. If they had any real concrete evidence the claims of racism in cohens testimony wouldn’t be needed.
Let me type slower so you understand. I have not once brought up racism
I am talking about Trumps illegal payments for cheating on his wife. Cohen may be a liar, but the checks he brought are concrete evidence.
Trump broke the law, so he should pay the price for breaking the law.
Is it worthy of impeachment, not sure about that, but there should be a penalty for breaking campaign laws.
Let me type slower so you understand. I have not once brought up racism
I am talking about Trumps illegal payments for cheating on his wife. Cohen may be a liar, but the checks he brought are concrete evidence.
Trump broke the law, so he should pay the price for breaking the law.
Is it worthy of impeachment, not sure about that, but there should be a penalty for breaking campaign laws.
Dude are you dense? Let me type slower,if Cohen had everything he needed to get trump in trouble why mix the muh he’s a racist into the testimony. I’m not saying you said racism. Did you even watch the testimony?
Dude are you dense? Let me type slower,if Cohen had everything he needed to get trump in trouble why mix the muh he’s a racist into the testimony. I’m not saying you said racism. Did you even watch the testimony?
Good to know you don't have an ethos.
The law is the law, Trump broke the law, sorry that since he is your boy, you will ignore it. I will put you in the hypocrite category.
This is the dumbest post in the entire thread and that is really saying something.
It’s amazing the shit you guys will cling to in order to believe trump is guilty of something that makes a difference. Let me put this to you this way,nobody fucking cares he paid off some lady he was fucking or how. You people act like nobody has ever done this type of shit. He used a dirty lawyer to do a dirty task plain and simple. Not one of you really believes this will amount to anything because it won’t.
Good to know you don't have an ethos.
The law is the law, Trump broke the law, sorry that since he is your boy, you will ignore it. I will put you in the hypocrite category.
He isn’t my boy really, I’m saying this isn’t your we have him moment...and is exactly the reason Trudeau caught in bs isn’t gonna amount to shift either. I’m just being realistic