Law CNN suing trump for Jim Acosta ban

Its not shooped but it is doctored.

If you present a video changing something such that a viewer that does not have any other context will see a recount that is different than what happened it is doctored.

Speeding up select areas of a video compared to the other parts of the video does exactly that, and there are plenty of tactics used to speed up or slow down certain segments of video and that is exactly what they did.
he lied about it being shooped, and he lied about trumps press team being the ones who made the gif.

either the guy doesn't know who he's talking about or he's a liar.
Is this even possible? I know you can't sue the any of the armed forces and Trump is the commander and chief of them.
What not fucking one of you in this thread has denounced this sort of thing no matter who it comes from...same with going to someone’s house shouting like morons,or going nuts in a university where Ben Shapiro is going to speak,shouting at them in restaurants etc. All you morons do is condone blindly due to hate for trump. Get the fuck over it,even though Acosta is allowed back in and won his pass back you’re still complaining.. his behaviour was the shits and if it wasn’t why is he the only one doing it? Actually don’t answer that...I’m done with whataboutizm.

There is no whataboutism here. Sorry if you do not understand that.

Did you watch the prior Fox News Judge/Commentator who said prior to this judge ruling that Journalist have no obligation of decorum or politeness with a POTUS or Politician and his explanation why? If not you should so you actually understand this discussion.

What you fail to understand is the Press ROLE in this.

The Press is seen as a COUNTER and check and balance. There has always been the assumption that we could have criminal, belligerent or otherwise wrong or bullying Politicians who might be able to co-opt the levers of power within gov't and the Press would be needed to step up as the PEOPLES advocate and take that on.

Step back from your Trump nut sucking a moment and imagine this without Trump and instead with a despot acting like POTUS named Clump. Imagine POTUS Clump is able to bully the normal check and balance within gov't, or he has control of the Senate and House and only the PRESS remains as check and balance.

It does not matter if you, in a partisan way think Clump is innocent and demure and gentle, and therefore should be left alone. The Constitution HAS SPECIFICALLY empowered the Press to take that politician Clump on. And they specifically made sure they do not have to be gentle or use decorum in doing so. IT WAS BY DESIGN knowing it was possible that one day we might end up with a POTUS Clump who bully reporters like Abby and shout them down and demean and insult them but then CRY and complain UNFAIR when faced with a reporter who stands up to him and try to get rid of that reporter and only keep around him those cowed into good behaviour or those who also suck his nuts like you do.

That will never be allowed by the courts. NEVER. Crump, I mean Trump, will lose again.
he lied about it being shooped, and he lied about trumps press team being the ones who made the gif.

either the guy doesn't know who he's talking about or he's a liar.
I don't know his intent. It was doctored and maybe that is what he meant to say.
But Acosta can shout down the pres.....I’m done trying to reason with you idiots.

The President has more for forums than the WH press room. It is beyond stupid to insist that any single reporter could shout down the President of the United States to a degree that he couldn't address the public.

But I guess this is what you come up with when you make your argument up as you go along.
I don't know his intent. It was doctored and maybe that is what he meant to say.
he said that trumps administration were the ones who doctored/shooped the video twice in that post. that is 100% false. as i said, either he doesn't know what he's talking about or he's a liar.
he said that trumps administration were the ones who doctored/shooped the video twice in that post. that is 100% false. as i said, either he doesn't know what he's talking about or he's a liar.

You're right, unfortunately Trump's admin are too incompetent to doctor footage on their own so they borrowed it from InfoWars.

Feel better now snowflake?
They should give a Press Pass to infowars and watch the hilarity ensue.
You're right, unfortunately Trump's admin are too incompetent to doctor footage on their own so they borrowed it from InfoWars.

Feel better now snowflake?
so you get caught being a lying fake news spreader and i'm a snowflake for calling you on your propaganda? how does that make sense?

if you weren't lying to everyone i wouldn't have had to say anything.
My thoughts are that I rarely care what Trump says about anything. He says and does a lot of things that the courts later tell him that he can't do. When he's right, he blusters about being right. When he's wrong, he blusters about how he's going change things to get around the system.

When he actually writes new rules, I'm going to bet that they fall safely within the constitutional limits - regardless of what he says right now.

Also, we all know it's a TRO. The point of CNN filing was to get him reinstated. If they didn't have a legal leg to stand on, it wouldn't have been granted.

Pardon my ignorance but what does TRO stand for?
Sit his ass in the back of the room and never call on him. If he interrupts, then he gets the following....


That's hot.
But once the rules are written and established, he'll be winning this next round.
They should give a Press Pass to infowars and watch the hilarity ensue.

Can you imagine Alex Jones reaction when he gets the call unexpectedly from Trump, telling him he got a White House Press pass and that he's invited InfoWars to ask questions?

He'll be the happiest Fatass in the U.S. :D
so you get caught being a lying fake news spreader and i'm a snowflake for calling you on your propaganda? how does that make sense?

if you weren't lying to everyone i wouldn't have had to say anything.

Uh.. I'm the one who corrected that guy you numbskull.

How is the WH putting out doctored footage from INFOWARS rather than the actual CSPAN footage any better?
Uh.. I'm the one who corrected that guy you numbskull.

How is the WH putting out doctored footage from INFOWARS rather than the actual CSPAN footage any better?
oh got you mixed up. i figured that the only person who would call me a snowflake for calling out a fake news spreader would be the fake news spreader himself...but apparently not. seems calling out someone spreading fake news struck a nerve with you.
oh got you mixed up. i figured that the only person who would call me a snowflake for calling out a fake news spreader would be the fake news spreader himself...but apparently not. seems calling out someone spreading fake news struck a nerve with you.

Nothing here struck a nerve, you're just a whiny cringe baby being overly semantic here.

Can you answer my question now?

How is the WH putting out doctored footage from INFOWARS rather than the actual CSPAN footage a good thing?
What not fucking one of you in this thread has denounced this sort of thing no matter who it comes from...same with going to someone’s house shouting like morons,or going nuts in a university where Ben Shapiro is going to speak,shouting at them in restaurants etc. All you morons do is condone blindly due to hate for trump. Get the fuck over it,even though Acosta is allowed back in and won his pass back you’re still complaining.. his behaviour was the shits and if it wasn’t why is he the only one doing it? Actually don’t answer that...I’m done with whataboutizm.

All Acosta did was ask the President questions he didn't like for longer than the President wanted to be asked questions he didn't like.
But once the rules are written and established, he'll be winning this next round.

... and every round after that. They boxed themselves in. Let's just say CNN is not that smart as an organization.
People that identify as Transsexual Green Frogs from Outer-space?
Nothing here struck a nerve, you're just a whiny cringe baby being overly semantic here.

Can you answer my question now?

How is the WH putting out doctored footage from INFOWARS rather than the actual CSPAN footage a good thing?
where did i say it was a good thing?

you know there is a difference between finding the only gif on the internet that shows the arm movement zoomed in, and the white house staff sitting there doctoring videos, right?

the vast majority of people wouldn't even know anything was wrong with the gif unless they were told. it's more likely sanders didn't know anything was off from the gif either. but even if she did it's still a far cry from sanders getting the white house staff to doctor it for her twitter post like some retards are trying to make it out to be.