CM Punk almost died in a Street Fight fighting another Wrestler

Anyone can get his ass kicked in a street fight, aside from an average Sherdogger. I got nothing but respect for CM Punk, the guy tried to do what he dreamed of, failed miserably, but still - the guy tried. So many tough guys would've never entered the cage.
They would’ve for CM Punk money
Suposedly CM punk has been delusional about his fighting ability since '05

Dude got dropped instantly by someone who doesn't train, and afterwards he still thinks he is some type of MMA fighter? How delusional do you need to be to get your ass kicked and still think, I can be in the UFC.
This information should have been brought to Dana White or the MMA media.

This randomly popped up on my Youtube feed the other day. I don't really care for pro wrestling much anymore, but I love the behind the scenes stuff like this.
for those that do not know. the guy talking is teddy hart. related to bret hart. all the talent in the world but a legitimate nutcase. this story has been verified however in at least 3 other shoot interviews with different guys. Story is pretty much the same throughout

I remember first seeing Teddy Hart on Wrestling Society X. It was a short lived pro wrestling promotion that aired on MTV in the mid 2000's. It was a big spot fest but I though it was awesome. Teddy Hart would do some crazy shit.

Anyone can get his ass kicked in a street fight, aside from an average Sherdogger. I got nothing but respect for CM Punk, the guy tried to do what he dreamed of, failed miserably, but still - the guy tried. So many tough guys would've never entered the cage.
You did well to make the assertation of 'aside from the average sherdogger' , us sherdoggers are of the toughest breeds.
for that the story is, Jericho got him in a front facelock and held him there for a bit. no punches or anything but did hold him down

exactly , I’m a big Jericho fan but wrestling fans hate Goldberg and grasp onto the story that Jericho beat goldbergs ass because it makes them feel better. But the truth is Goldberg tried to take Jericho down , and Jericho got him in a front face lock and held on for dear life , you got to give him props for standing up to a monster like Goldberg and defending himself . But let’s not act like he kicked goldbergs ass. It did embarrass Goldberg though because he couldn’t get out the hold . Apparently they separated and Jericho was pissed at his friends including Christian for holding onto him because goldberg was being held and frothing at the mouth and Jericho was like if this guy gets loose i need my hands to free myself . Cool story though
Michael Jordan got into baseball.

Michael Jordan was 100x the Baseball player than CM Punk was an MMA Fighter.

Jordan actually got some hits and had some basics. I’m fucking confident I could have lit Punk up in an MMA fight and I’m just a guy that works out and hits the bag.
Yeah but still. Even that.. Supposedly Jericho beat up Goldberg says witnesses as well. I mean I am beyond skeptical of that considering Goldberg was maybe the most powerful wrestler ever..
He caught him in a guillotine. He got the move from looking at Shoichi Funaki's grappling magazines that he carried around.
If BJ can get knocked out by some hobo, anyone can get knocked out by anyone by a punch they didn't see coming.
Yeah but CM Punk can't fight, even with his MMA training. He is not made for combat, far too fragile.
CM Punk is a textbook example of a guy who really does believe his own bullshit. How nobody ever stepped in when he was training for his UFC "career", took him aside and said "Look bro, you don't have what it takes. You're not athletic, you can't throw a punch, and you are going to get absolutely wrecked and humiliated by anyone in any league that has been doing this shit longer than you, which by the way, is everyone. Do yourself a favor and quit this suicide mission, and go make up with Vince, or go sit on your ass and start a Youtube channel, or something. Just for love of God, stay the fuck out of the cage. You might very well get killed."

Duke Rufus should be ashamed of himself for blowing smoke up this guy's ass, while he was training him.
CM Punk is a textbook example of a guy who really does believe his own bullshit. How nobody ever stepped in when he was training for his UFC "career", took him aside and said "Look bro, you don't have what it takes. You're not athletic, you can't throw a punch, and you are going to get absolutely wrecked and humiliated by anyone in any league that has been doing this shit longer than you, which by the way, is everyone. Do yourself a favor and quit this suicide mission, and go make up with Vince, or go sit on your ass and start a Youtube channel, or something. Just for love of God, stay the fuck out of the cage. You might very well get killed."

Duke Rufus should be ashamed of himself for blowing smoke up this guy's ass, while he was training him.

really its the Gracies who are at fault.
their online school gave punk a platform to 'learn' techniques and begin to hype his own shit.
it wasn't until after a year or 2 of online training while on the road did he begin to think,
'oh, well i know some bjj, i bet i could do mma too.'


exhibit A
I know he fought Teddy Hart

Teddy told totally different stories about the fight in the interviews I've seen and witnesses who were there said it was pretty much an even bitch fight..

Teddy is always talking about street fighting.. He is the type who will poke your eyeballs, grab your nuts, bite, kick your nuts in, fish hook your lips off, etc... When you listen to him talk about street fighting, thats all he talks about.. Dirty tactics.. And he talks about it a lot on his YouTube channel
Teddy dropped Phil like he was Maria Manic.