Crime CIA trained Cuban exiles trained Lee Harvey Oswald!

I do know that the Biden Administration has refused to release much of the JFK Assassination material... administrations have been doing that for decades. What it tells me is that the simple story of Lee Harvey Oswald is not the entire story.... they are keeping information from the public for a reason.
Oswald acted alone. He was a disaffected communist who was pissed off at Kennedy's anti-communist policies.
LOL at Jack Ruby being a "made man" in the Marcello family. He was Jewish! The mob did not have anything to do with Kennedy's death. Were they happy he got killed? Yes. Did they have a direct role in it? No.

Al Capone (or Ricca, or Accardo, or Aiuppa) never made non-Italians. The closest any family ever got was making half-Italians on the father's side. Non-Italians still played respected and important roles in family affairs but they could not be and were not inducted members.
This is what happened with JFK...

It was a hit set up by our own CIA. Our CIA of course was nothing but a cabal of masons, bonesmen, and people of that ilk. They were created by and working at the behest of the international powers that be: the banks, the military industrial complex, oil and resource companies, ect.

Oswald was indeed a patsy just like he said. We all understand by now that he was a CIA agent being sent on missions to places like Russia and Cuba. Him being a defector was his cover story. He was actually given his job at the school depository by the CIA. When Kennedy got shot he understood immediately what was happening and that he might be the fall guy. That is why he fled. And that is also why he was killed by Jack Ruby(another CIA operative).

The biggest thing that people need to understand is that the Kennedy assassination wasn't just the removal of one president. It was the full seizure of the US executive branch by a small group of devil worshipping psychos being sponsored and controlled by a bigger group of psychos. This cabal of business, finance, military, and political networks was put together by Prescott Bush and others back in the 20s and 30s. The same group that got in trouble for literally funding Nazis in the 1930s.

The Kennedy Assassination was the exact point in time when the "deep state" became fully entrenched in our federal govt through the controlling of both our executive branch and our intelligence agencies. Consider the following:

LBJ: Texas oilman, cabal member
Nixon: Prescott Bush protege
Ford: Head of the Warren Commission
Reagan: Bush VP
Bush 1: self explanatory
Bush 2: self explanatory

I can't quite recall the details on Bill Clinton but he's tied into the cabal as well. All the way up to 2016 this cabal had been in control of the presidency and the intelligence agencies.

The reason Kennedy was killed was because he wasn't fully cooperating. Its that simple. They removed him in order to put in someone more dedicated and steadfast. They, and their satanic sponsors, wanted to kickstart the neo-con agenda of invading nations, toppling governments, pillaging of others resources, putting more nations into debt slavery all while slowly siphoning the wealth and prosperity of the American people. They've also been slowly advancing a covert communist and marxist agenda thats finally rearing its ugly head in 2021.

This same group would go on to have Nixon removed from office. Not to say Nixon wasn't an evil bastard but the Watergate scandal was orchestrated by the CIA. It was a hitjob. He refused to give HW the VP position and tried to set his own agenda. So they removed him. Thats how you know Bob Woodward is a stooge and pawn. His presidential books he comes out with every few years are just propaganda pieces and should really just be ignored.

This same group would go on to have Ronald Reagan shot when he was acting like he was going to be independent president. You know the cabal had him shot because the shooter, John Hinkley Jr, was actually a friend of the Bush family.
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The CIA is full of shit and the stuff they'd do is nothing short of stuff you'd think would only happen in movies.

They literally made plans to kill US citizens under false flag to justify a war with Cuba, for example.
They've also been slowly advancing a covert communist and marxist agenda thats finally rearing its ugly head in 2021.
Pipe down mate, every US government that has existed since basically the the start of the 20th century is as anti-communist as it gets.
This doesn't mean the hit on JFK was an agency operation. The CIA funds and trains a lot of groups, and some have turned against the US, like some Taleban veterans who received support from the CIA before the Taleban was formed.
This doesn't mean the hit on JFK was an agency operation. The CIA funds and trains a lot of groups, and some have turned against the US, like some Taleban veterans who received support from the CIA before the Taleban was formed.
And whatever has been going on for the past decade in Syria
This is what happened with JFK...

It was a hit set up by our own CIA. Our CIA of course was nothing but a cabal of masons, bonesmen, and people of that ilk. They were created by and working at the behest of the international powers that be: the banks, the military industrial complex, oil and resource companies, ect.

Oswald was indeed a patsy just like he said. We all understand by now that he was a CIA agent being sent on missions to places like Russia and Cuba. Him being a defector was his cover story. He was actually given his job at the school depository by the CIA. When Kennedy got shot he understood immediately what was happening and that he might be the fall guy. That is why he fled. And that is also why he was killed by Jack Ruby(another CIA operative).

The biggest thing that people need to understand is that the Kennedy assassination wasn't just the removal of one president. It was the full seizure of the US executive branch by a small group of devil worshipping psychos being sponsored and controlled by a bigger group of psychos. This cabal of business, finance, military, and political networks was put together by Prescott Bush and others back in the 20s and 30s. The same group that got in trouble for literally funding Nazis in the 1930s.

The Kennedy Assassination was the exact point in time when the "deep state" became fully entrenched in our federal govt through the controlling of both our executive branch and our intelligence agencies. Consider the following:

LBJ: Texas oilman, cabal member
Nixon: Prescott Bush protege
Ford: Head of the Warren Commission
Reagan: Bush VP
Bush 1: self explanatory
Bush 2: self explanatory

I can't quite recall the details on Bill Clinton but he's tied into the cabal as well. All the way up to 2016 this cabal had been in control of the presidency and the intelligence agencies.

The reason Kennedy was killed was because he wasn't fully cooperating. Its that simple. They removed him in order to put in someone more dedicated and steadfast. They, and their satanic sponsors, wanted to kickstart the neo-con agenda of invading nations, toppling governments, pillaging of others resources, putting more nations into debt slavery all while slowly siphoning the wealth and prosperity of the American people. They've also been slowly advancing a covert communist and marxist agenda thats finally rearing its ugly head in 2021.

This same group would go on to have Nixon removed from office. Not to say Nixon wasn't an evil bastard but the Watergate scandal was orchestrated by the CIA. It was a hitjob. He refused to give HW the VP position and tried to set his own agenda. So they removed him. Thats how you know Bob Woodward is a stooge and pawn. His presidential books he comes out with every few years are just propaganda pieces and should really just be ignored.

This same group would go on to have Ronald Reagan shot when he was acting like he was going to be independent president. You know the cabal had him shot because the shooter, John Hinkley Jr, was actually a friend of the Bush family.
Not really. JFK was definitely a patsy, for the simple reason that he was impersonated in Mexico City, about a month and a half prior to the shooting. The pictures outside the Cuban or Soviet Embassy(forget which one) of Oswald, weren't of Oswald, but of a guy who supposedly worked for Department 13, which was a KGB group. The CIA had cameras set up and thats the pics they got. LBJ and Hoover had a talk about that incident when Hoover informed LBJ that his guys reviewed tapes of the so called phone call, from Oswald between the Cuban and Soviet Embassies down there, and viewed the pictures and said both were not Oswald. This was the morning after the shooting while Lee Harvey Oswald was still alive. The tapes vanished, though apparently Mexican intelligence still has them. And the pictures are out on the internet.
Oswald was in Mexico around then but someone wanted to make sure that it was documented that his name was at those Embassies. For whatever reason.
Not really. JFK was definitely a patsy, for the simple reason that he was impersonated in Mexico City, about a month and a half prior to the shooting. The pictures outside the Cuban or Soviet Embassy(forget which one) of Oswald, weren't of Oswald, but of a guy who supposedly worked for Department 13, which was a KGB group. The CIA had cameras set up and thats the pics they got. LBJ and Hoover had a talk about that incident when Hoover informed LBJ that his guys reviewed tapes of the so called phone call, from Oswald between the Cuban and Soviet Embassies down there, and viewed the pictures and said both were not Oswald. This was the morning after the shooting while Lee Harvey Oswald was still alive. The tapes vanished, though apparently Mexican intelligence still has them. And the pictures are out on the internet.
Oswald was in Mexico around then but someone wanted to make sure that it was documented that his name was at those Embassies. For whatever reason.

Im not following. How was the person got shot the patsy?
I wonder if we use Occam's razor and look for very simple explanations. Oswald shot Kennedy at the behest of someone in the KGB (as revenge for the missile crisis) or because he went rougue by himself due to his well known mental instability .

The cover-up could be explained by the fact that a KGB or Russian Asset hit on the President of the US is insta-WW3 and MAD. The US establishment under Jonson decided to just take one for the American people.

It would be nothing to call in a favour with the mob and "Clintonify" Lee Harvey Oswald.

It would also explain why the records will never come out.

Even 50 years later people would want to nuke Russia.
I wonder if we use Occam's razor and look for very simple explanations. Oswald shot Kennedy at the behest of someone in the KGB (as revenge for the missile crisis) or because he went rougue by himself due to his well known mental instability .

The cover-up could be explained by the fact that a KGB or Russian Asset hit on the President of the US is insta-WW3 and MAD. The US establishment under Jonson decided to just take one for the American people.

It would be nothing to call in a favour with the mob and "Clintonify" Lee Harvey Oswald.

It would also explain why the records will never come out.

Even 50 years later people would want to nuke Russia.

That theory only follows Occams Razor if you are working with limited information. The more information you sort through the less simple this explanation becomes. Indeed it reaches a point where this theory becomes impossible.