Elections Black gop governor nominee was a black nazi and watcher of tranny porn

You are too deep in the cult….the right felt that they would lose too much of their Nazi fanbase if they went with Nikki Haley. If she was selected instead of the felon, this election would be a landslide victory for the right and everybody knows it. Trump can’t even cultivate the support of his ex-vp and past presidents….You think he’s going to grab all the moderates crying on TruthSocial like a boomer, whose wife and family hates him.

I think they will vote against Harris and what she and the democrats want more then for Trump.
This is worse than when Roger Stone posted an ad to try to get somebody to bang his wife.



I love how you guys pretend to be these higher beings and then go 'omigod this guy's a fucking :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: HAHAHHAHAH' the second it's someone you don't like.

We get it that you like dick with tits....Our opinion doesn't really change of you though. Its funny that you are ready to karen for this guy despite making your entire political idealogy hating on trans people. We are clowning on yall for being self loathing losers that want to drag everybodyelse down to your level.
Not even close

Typical MAGA republican
Mmmmmm, let’s see.

Slaver: check
Loves trans: check
Nazi: half check (Hitler nicked a big part of his program from the American progressives eugenics policy)

Yeah, a democrat….
Dude wants slavery back? Does this guy know what color his skin is? What an absolute moron.

Not surprising that he's into trans porn. A lot of right wingers are, if you have an unhealthy obsession with something that's occupying your mind around the clock chances are you going to get off to it as well.

I'll say this again. The fact that this race is as close as it is says that something is profoundly wrong with this nation.
Inside the mind of every middle aged man that supports Trump, there is a crippling addiction to femboy porn and unresolved mommy issues.
I’m not a Trump supporter how dare you
Republicans only interaction with trans people seems to be through the porn they consume.

Which explains why they think anything a trans person does is sexual/pornographic by default...
This is a really good point.

This dude deserves to be called every pejorative in the English language…. Without being banned or yellow carded.

He worked very hard for it.

Calling him Uncle Ruckus ain’t good enough and you mfers know it
That has nothing to do with his ability to run and perform in office. Let the man watch his racist tranny porn in his free time.
Explaining to people that the root of their hatred towards certain other types of people might be sexually oriented isn't insulting LGBTQ people.

But I can see why someone who also hates LGBTQ people might think that, because yuck, who could be attracted to LGBTQ people, right?

We just end up going round in a very closeted circle.

Then why don't you use it in any other situation?

If a guy is racist against black people, the common insult isn't to say he secretly likes black people.

I hate over taxing and government waste but no one has ever claimed that maybe I'm a closet lover of over taxing and government waste.

The insult only seems to be hurled when it comes to sexuality.
Mmmmmm, let’s see.

Slaver: check
Loves trans: check
Nazi: half check (Hitler nicked a big part of his program from the American progressives eugenics policy)

Yeah, a democrat….

So you are saying that NC Republicans love Democrats? Interesting.
Apparently he's really against the trans community he jacks off to.

Yeah... don't care. The U.S. Senate doesn't give a shit if gay secs happens on Capitol Hill. Most of Congress are cheating scumbags. If he's a "Black Nazi"... well that's just stupid and funny. Character assassinations don't work with me anymore. They all suck pretty much as people. I want to know policies that matter and where they fall. All this Kamala sucked dicks and Trump banged Porn Stars is funny... but it really doesn't matter.