Choking someone out?


Apr 15, 2007
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My friend who grapples calls it "choking someone out" when he makes someone tap out to a choke. I said it's only choking someone out if they actually go out as a result of your choke (IE: you choke them until they lose consciousness).

Is making someone tap to a choke the same as choking someone out?


Is choking someone out the same as choking someone until they are out?

please settle our argument.
Ummmmmm. Well technically I believe choking someone out is the proper term if you actually choke them out. Otherwise, you won by tapout/submission due to "such and such choke".

BUT, I do hear a lot of people say "I choked him out" when in reality the guy just gave the tap. So you aren't alone on hearing people say this. But, they are wrong either because they

A: are confused about the proper termanology.


B: They just want to seem tough and act cool

9/10 times I'd lean towards B...
he asked 1 person who grapples with him... and they said that choking someone out can mean making someone tap... I'm like wtf... more responses plz to convince him
he asked 1 person who grapples with him... and they said that choking someone out can mean making someone tap... I'm like wtf... more responses plz to convince him

Don't even worry about convincig him. Just know that he's technically incorrect.

It's actually a pretty stupid argument to have in the first place.
I'm voting for your friend because he didn't start a thread on the topic.
maybe he will choke you out if you try and win this argument
Meh. Pretty much the same thing at that point - I mean, the guy tapped, signifying "please don't put me to sleep but I know you are about to" - while you may not have been a dick about it and actually released the hold, you did win via choke and COULD have put the guy to sleep(or else he shouldn't have tapped :p )

I'm okay with saying "choked out" at that point, I think. I think that's how I would refer to it to people that don't train. With my buddies it's "oh I got him with ____" or whatever, but if someone was asking me about a tournament etc, I think choked out would work.

for instance I lost a tourney via triangle recently, and when people asked, I said I got "choked out" - but in the club I told them I got tapped via triangle.
i see people telling other people who don't grapple that they 'choke people out' instead of calling it submitting or tapping, in an effort to make it seem more intriguing or badass.
is that dexter in a gi I see there? haha. Hard to tell, but given the website...
yes it is, much easier to tell in the original size.
i say choked out when it was tap. makes sense to me, u got choked out, not choked unconscious.

couldn't come to a conclusion on your own?
It's splitting hairs, does it really matter?

I think it's good for both, If you choke someone until they tapOUT, I think it flies. If you choke someone unconcious then didn't you choke them OUT of consciousness? Still flies.
I say they were tapped out or submitted if they tap to the choke, if they go unconcious then yeah they were choked out...but otherwise no
ah "technically" is the key word here. almost everyone says "choked out" when they tap to, or tap someone else with a choke. It's technically incorrect, but widely used regardless.
by tapping or loosing consciousness both are 'choking someone out'
I refer to a chokeout as being choked unconscious...

However, who ever said that the word "out" is representative of the concious state? Could it not also signal the combatants state in the contest..either in or out of the match...or in other words win or lose.

If I am playing dodgeball and I hit are out? does that mean you are unconscious? No...

Therefore, choke out could be easily representative of being put out of the match via choke.
Is this really an argument?

I say you argue about more important things like smooth or chunky peanut butter.