Chick Fil-A has proven the far left is easily beatable !


Aug 18, 2014
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It always saddens me when a group of angry, bitter, swaking progressives - be they blm, feminists, open borders, pc police - get angry at something an business says or does, or something a politician says.



The immediate response is for the business to cower, apologize, and change their ways. But chick filet proved how weak the far left really is. Remember the whole "Chick Filet hates gay marriage" protests ? What was the result ? Chick Filet stood their ground, the progressives got tired of whining, and chick filet still stands.

Why aren't more businesses waking up to the fact that we can pretty much end this emotion based socipopaty of the left by simply not giving two shits about their whiney protests ?
i am so excited they opened a chic fil a in vegas. i cant wait to support them specifically BECAUSE of how they handled all that
I would bang the one in the black bathing suit. The one in the flowered bathing suit looks like she would be terrible in the sack. I mean who the fuck wears a bathing suit bottom pulled up to their boobs. She is the type of chick who is pissed off with everything and willing to die on any hill, not matter how trivial that hill would be. You ask her how is the weather and she finds some made up slight in the way you said it. Girl in Flowered suit, will be twice divorced and living alone in her late life with a bunch of cats. She will spend her waning years, yelling at kids to get off her lawn.

Chick fil a still selling fast food.

Supreme Court rules same sex couples can marry nationwide.

Teh gays win 1-0.
Op, if you hate that "the far left" gets upset with what people say, why are you getting upset with what the "far left" says? Why do you have to be so politically correct?
Chic Fillet also gave their employees "All Lives Matter", and "Blue Lives Matter" shirts. And have strongly supported law enforcement.

My only gripe is they are closed on Sundays for religious reasons.. :(
I don't agree with Chik-Fil-A's position on gay marriage, but they are a private business that has remained ideologically consistent. They can't make or break the law, but they can publicly state whatever they want. They have the free speech protections to do so. Obviously, they put their wallets where their mouths are by staying closed on Sundays. Anyone might disagree with them, but it's hard not to respect them as a business.
Chic Fillet also gave their employees "All Lives Matter", and "Blue Lives Matter" shirts. And have strongly supported law enforcement.

My only gripe is they are closed on Sundays for religious reasons.. :(

Ya, I hate that also. Some Sundays after I don't go to church I'd like one of their chocolate milkshakes and they are closed for some bullshit.

The employees there are super polite though. Kinda nice
Soon enough Leftist will be using molotov cocktails on businesses and justify their actions by calling the store owners racists, sexists, anti islam and homophobic. The media will then try to spin it and say the peaceful protesters were standing up to a big meanie, gotta love the left LOL.
Chic Fillet also gave their employees "All Lives Matter", and "Blue Lives Matter" shirts. And have strongly supported law enforcement.

My only gripe is they are closed on Sundays for religious reasons.. :(
"Blue Lives Matter" sounds like a dogshit retarded T-Shirt.
Soon enough Leftist will be using molotov cocktails on businesses and justify their actions by calling the store owners racists, sexists, anti islam and homophobic. The media will then try to spin it and say the peaceful protesters were standing up to a big meanie, gotta love the left LOL.

Or you can be right wing and have Donald Trump and Ted Cruz as your Presidential candidates bwahahahaha
I real test is when the new breed of SJW being manufactured in universities are unleashed upon us.
I can't wait for the anti-gay robots that chic-fil-a will replace all their workers with.
Chick Fil-A still stands because when you're on the road and starving and in a hurry you can get a chicken sandwich that won't cripple you with gut-pain and make your colon explode within an hour. It has fuck-all to do with standing up to the "far left".
Chik Fil A is the Diaz brothers of fast food--they don't give a fuuuuuu.
What I'd like to know is how Chic Fil A rates with Popeyes Chicken.
TS you made a thread in Mayberry about how miserable and empty your life is. Then I see you in here on the regular obsessing over "leftists" and all this bullshit. Do you not see any correlation there? Go out and enjoy your life, man.