Chest building Question.

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White Belt
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
Im pretty new to this whole getting in shape thing. I started the Police Academy this april and weighed 250 pounds, standing at only 5' 10''. I was FAT! Now im 205 pounds. Much better but still not lean like I would like to be. My Question is about chest exercises.

Right now im doing Flat and Decline Bence, Flat and Decline flys, and push ups. (not all chest exercises are with dumbells, I dont like bars).

However my chest is starting to get nice and hard, and larger too. However its all on the outside. Im not sure how to explain this. Its like all the mass and hard muscle is on the outside, near my shoulers and under arms, its decent around the middle of the pec, but the inside is non existant. I have no mass where the two pec muscles should be touching. Also my mass that I do have is almost all at the top of the pec and not the bottom.

Is there anything I should do or is it just a matter of time and the mass will spread that way.

Also here is my diet in case anyone is wondering.

Break Fast- 1 whole-wheat english muffin with 1 protien pancake (Protien pancake is eggs, oatmel, and a banana mixed in a blender and then cooked like pancakes, makes about 1 pancake per egg)

Snack- Banana or Apple

Lunch- Either sliced grilled chicken or turkey wrapped in a whole-wheat tortilla with lettace and tomato

Snack be4 work out- Banana or Apple

Post work out- Whey Protien Shake, sometimes some baked or grilled fish

Dinner- Brown rice with grilled chicken or turkey, sometimes grilled fish

Before bed snake if needed- Skim milk with a little bit of chocolate whey protein for flavor.
I think there are much better sites for needs like this.
you are turning me on!
Read the stickies, dude. This is strength and power, and we don't hand out advice on how to make pretty display stands for your nipples.
The purpose of this post was to get some info on other exercises I could do to full out my chest, which would increase strength in the areas its lacking. And for your information have you bothered to look at this section of the forum yourself? If so you will probably notice the other 6 or 7 threads asking about specific exercises to work on certain muscle groups.
I tried that growing mass thru osmosis program it doesn't work too well...

...listen bro, if i'm smoking w--d on the bench waiting for a bus that got lost in a wormhole, and you roll-up on me and decide to write me up...and i refer to you as bro instead of "officer" don't go apheshit and be like " we are drawing the line right here. Thats SGT. JACKASS to you." Its the pothead way...we call everyone bro, its nothing personal...its time to start thinking about powercleans and push-presses and forget about how your pec looks cause you know, theres alot of crazy people out there who are studying JKD, and Kali weapons training at that and doing drugs and listening to music like SFU and Black Sabbath...

sit and back and hold your breath
just let nature take effect
a warm glo inside my bones
the touch of velvet against my soul
thoughts of things i've always known
break free and listen to yourself
let go of perception
I can see thru my 3rd eye
let go of perception
into true reality...
...i hear the voice louder
the hour as arrived...
-4:20, SFU

Good luck on the job though bro.:)
All you need are the compound eercises. Proper training and dieting will make your pecs look good.
also genetics play a rather large roll in wether or not the top of your chest will pop like Ronie or not. like others have said keep it compound and simple and don't be afraid to eat well.
rendar1970 said:
The purpose of this post was to get some info on other exercises I could do to full out my chest, which would increase strength in the areas its lacking. And for your information have you bothered to look at this section of the forum yourself? If so you will probably notice the other 6 or 7 threads asking about specific exercises to work on certain muscle groups.
I see one thread on traps (which was met with some hostility)... not 6 or seven. I see a some on squats, and some on grip work, but none on specific muscle shape or size. This is not a bodybuilding forum, this kind of thread is forbidden. For all intended purposes, if a muscle is strong, and a movement is performed with strength, nobody here cares about how the muscle itself looks. it's irrellevant.

My reccomendation: squat and deadlift more. if you're this focused on vane things like you're appearance, you're probably missing some exercises that are critical for building a strong body.
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