
This is stupid. Ban thread starter.

Ps, shoot him.
Yeah, this should go to wasteland. Let's talk about grappling.
p.s. Go and have an old-fashioned man-to-man talk/encounter with the guy so he knows he messed up, and that he knows that you hold him 100% personally responsible for everything that happened or happens in the future as a result of his actions, and so it won't ever happen again.
The Savior said:
Interesting reponses I've gotten here. When I said this asswipe kissed my girl, that's true. The part about me wanting to put him in the hospital is more of a wet dream.

OK, now for the details most people are asking for: she did not ask for a kiss. She did not want a kiss. She was taken advantage of, basically. She was with a co-worker and he tried to kiss her. She closed her lips (you know, like covered her teeth with them so he couldn't kiss her lips). He tried this a few times and then stopped. She was really upset and figured I would hate her forever and leave her. No chance, we have a real honest relationship so I know she's 100% on this.

However, she hates drama and doesn't want me to beat the fuck out of the co-worker. She said she'd rather just quit her job. I have nothing but respect for her opinions, and I can understand that she doesn't want there to be all this drama at her job after I forcefeed Mr Kissylips my fists. However, I'd be lying if I didn't tell her that I am so angry about it that I'm borderline obsessed with stomping his guts out.

As far as all the "this thread is gay," stuff; cool. It's mostly just a joke, a type of "what would you do to fuck up this guy who fucked with your gf/wife" type of thing. I knew it was retarded when I hit the button to post the damn topic.

Oh yeah, one guy called me a bully? Hahahah...right.

Call the cops.

That will scare him enough even if they don't arrest him. Not drama but karma.

Plus inform the workplace of sexual harassment. Every workplace got to have a policy.

Get a lawyer and sue the guy and the workplace if they don't do squat to correct the situation. Why should she quit? Whatever you do, do it now, today, this minute.

If you fight him or confront him even verbally then you will feel vindicated but if he calls the police after your "chat" with him and says lies to the cops by saying you threatened to kill him. You can be the one arrested. Empower yourself and your girl's by filing a report with the work place and the police. That is win, win, even if she still choses to quit later on or nothing happens.

Remember this for the rest of your life. Whoever documents stuff by filing reports with the workplace and the police usually wins, in life and in court.