CFB thread v5: Wives of the SEC > The SEC East

Cannessee loses to Georgia today. Gurley will put up numbers. Gordon, for Wisconsin, also is going to have another monster day.
Worley must have been hanging out with Jake Locker this week... terrible overthrow to a wide open WR. Vols are moving the ball though.
Tennessee has an impressive group of young skill guys.
Nice job UT. Keep it up and you may not have to fumble it through the back of the endzone.
can't wait for Cuse to desecrate the holy ground of Giants stadium with their shitty ass play.
The can has been the 10-0 lead but lots of ballgame left.
The premier match of the day is obviously Temple vs Connecticut. All of these other games today are complete dick.
Tennessee has an impressive group of young skill guys.

They have good young talent. Their O line is ridculously bad though so Worely has very little time to get them the ball.
Shitty throw by Hudson. that receiver wasn't even close to being open much less the DB who read his eyes.