Crime CBS dun goofed - posts and then deletes ad advocating assassination of President Trump

Did you miss the end?

Did you know that the real ending was supposed to be Daryl reverting back to being a skinhead? The last scene is supposed to be him shaving his head again.

The director threw a fit when Hollywood big wigs wouldn’t allow him to end the movie the way he wanted.

That message was just a little too much real life for Hollywood. They weren’t gonna have any of that

Edit: to poster bastard!!!! lol I heard it was the producers, not Norton.
I don't see many people calling Trump and his supporters Nazis in anywhere approaching the levels more hard right people imagine.

Other things you conveniently don't see:

Liberals denouncing biological facts
Liberals thinking the country is the most racist it's ever been
Liberals calling for open borders
Liberals being hateful and racist towards whites
Liberals openly supporting violence against Trump Supporters
Liberals openly supporting LGBT indoctrination for little children
Liberals openly supporting suppression of free speech
Liberals openly supporting late term/after birth abortion
Other things you conveniently don't see:

Liberals denouncing biological facts
Liberals thinking the country is the most racist it's ever been
Liberals calling for open borders
Liberals being hateful and racist towards whites
Liberals openly supporting violence against Trump Supporters
Liberals openly supporting LGBT indoctrination for little children
Liberals openly supporting suppression of free speech
Liberals openly supporting late term/after birth abortion

I bet you have some anecdotes to bring to bear in order to label the entirety of a political side in a country you're not even in, or a part of.
Yes I've seen American history x, one of my favorite movies

Perhaps the most incisive argument for American History X being a pro neo-Nazi film comes from one commenter on Quinn’s essay, who notes that the film “failed at being anti-racist because it gave the whites the best argument and only combats this logic with muh feels.” (That’s slang for “my feelings,” a pejorative that”alt-righters” use to dismiss any arguments hinging on emotions.)

I am loath to ever agree with neo-Nazis, but regarding this film, they have a point. Vinyard’s speeches are eloquent, stemming from (myopic) reason and (limited) lived experience, and other white nationalists in the film – such as his father, who rails against affirmative action because he believes in true equal opportunity – are drawn out like intellectuals. Nobody in the movie makes a strong verbal argument for multiculturalism.
I would love to hear a strong pro-multiculturalism argument.
I would love to hear a strong pro-multiculturalism argument.

Especially given multiculturalism was a big factor is ending the Roman Empire.

It isn't some new phenomenon. Multiculturalism is just a flawed concept.
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Especislly given multiculturalism was a big factor is ending the Roman Empire.

It isn't some new phenomenon. Multiculturalism is just a flawed concept.

In Toronto it worked actually, all the different races self segregated and made their own ethnically homogeneous communities.
In Toronto it worked actually, all the different races self segregated and made their own ethnically homogeneous communities.

Calgary is the same. I would say isolating all the immigrants in ethnic ghettoes probably isn't an example of the concept 'working' though.
Especislly given multiculturalism was a big factor is ending the Roman Empire.

It isn't some new phenomenon. Multiculturalism is just a flawed concept.
People using multiculturalism and diversity interchangeably is a pet peeve. Some cultures can coexist but many compete making the idea a pipe dream.
You can literally do anything you want as long as it's against Trump.
I would love to hear a strong pro-multiculturalism argument.

Worth a stab although its a tough sell.

I would guess that the outrage is that: "The presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society." is harmful to the dominant culture and can lead to disunity.

To keep it short I would say that the concern is valid but but can also be invalidated by well; present cultures. Much like a blade being forged in fire a new better culture may be created. Some would argue the U.S is a product of multiculturalism. It was catastrophic for the natives and even tragic for the colonists in some ways but the result was something pretty great as even some parts of the native culture was absorbed and contributed. I would also argue that it is unavoidable and it is instead better to learn from history and prepare for a better way of adapting to current changing conditions here in the U.S.

edit: forgot to add that a dominant unchallenged culture would probably go the way of the Maya or Inca or other peoples that went unchallenged for a long time.

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