Catch Wrestling United

ah, after years on the intertubes many things are played out, but you can always warm the cockles of your black heart with a good old fashioned shitstorm.
Well I must say I have become a lot more intrigued by Catch wresting all of a sudden. I can't quite put my finger on why, but i'm spending a lot of time on the catch sticky today.
After examining all the shitstorming techniques within this thread, I am starting to suspect that Catch Wrestling is extremely similar to BJJ.
After examining all the shitstorming techniques within this thread, I am starting to suspect that Catch Wrestling is extremely similar to BJJ.

I think ive found the common issue; we've got to get rid of all these humans.
Josh Barnett, you are the fucking man!!!!

He's okay ;)...I still think Reilly takes him most days of the week... Magic. Of course, that's in sealed and limited play. :D

Back on topic though. Would you guys say CACC is more an art of feel than one of composed techniques? I know there are techniques and it's a very technical art but the very few catch guys I've had the displeasure of rolling with, more my limb's displeasure, all had very heavy games and when they would catch me with something strange I'd ask how they did it and the few things I asked about were mostly met with "Lay down and let me work it out, not quite sure. Just saw it there."
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Are you fucking kidding me!? You're now combining your beef with KJ into my asking you to prove your claims in regards to Erik and then Shooto, and now you are asking me for MY credentials?

For one, try Google motherfucker. You can see all kinds of articles/interviews from not only me but from Billy Robinson, Erik, Matt Hume, Jim Harrison, and others I have trained under.

For second I'll write something down here later when I have the time to do so just to show you how that looks: verifying one's training background.

Lastly, "Joshes" is actually spelled "Josh's" as in the personal possessive.


I can't believe you read all that gibberish, I tapped out half way through the wall of text illiterate retardese.
He's okay ;)...I still think Reilly takes him most days of the week... Magic. Of course, that's in sealed and limited play. :D

Back on topic though. Would you guys say CACC is more an art of feel than one of composed techniques? I know there are techniques and it's a very technical art but the very few catch guys I've had the displeasure of rolling with, more my limb's displeasure, all had very heavy games and when they would catch me with something strange I'd ask how they did it and the few things I asked about were mostly met with "Lay down and let me work it out, not quite sure. Just saw it there."

once, I had asked myself: ' position, or submission?'

then, I thought: 'por que no los dos?'

thus, by presh was I enlightened: when pozish *is* submish.

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So Dan's implying Josh isn't fighting in the UFC because of UFC's current level of drug testing. In a direct reply to Josh.

If blatant fighter bashing doesn't get him banned, nothing will. Being 1-4 in MMA himself a decade ago shouldn't give him amnesty either.
I actually did just take a runny shit. Josh I thank you if you really tried to help get me on that IGF card....I was just told come to japan and prob, told yeah most likely when there, then told ok but at HW and I did in fact train my butt off ready to go trying to keep on as much weight as I could eating junk and couldn't even get up to 99kg. All the walking, long trips to training, hot weather I lose weight in Japan every-time. At shy of 5'11" I am really just a fat MW by todays standards.

My internet has been down for a few hours.

I actually do wish you success in the acting world, I did mean that, it is just ironic because that is something you gave me shit for when it was unwarranted. I was just pointing out that your clock is ticking and if you are going to fight again you should do so soon. I am happy if you are. I do think you contributed horribly to something that hurt the entire sport and every single fighter, because you did not care enough to use google and at least try to hide your cheating like others got away with for years.

Again, a sincere thank you if you did try to help me get on that IGF card, even if you wanted to see me get my ass kicked or just curious to see what I could possibly offer.

I have tried to make peace with you, that is really all anyone can do. I think we are both a bit crazy with hot tempers anger management issues from childhood being the fat kid growing up. I am just doing my best to grow up past that, and I do my best to contribute to MMA and grappling as best as I can.

In other news, it will be nice to see Reilly compete in Polaris! Also, yes a lot of stuff IMO is knowing the body and twisting stuff on the fly. What was that? I am not to sure just did it. Of course there are set techniques as well, and wrestling is technical no matter what people want to say.

Take care everyone, got to go teach in just a few.
Josh Barnett vs Roy Nelson announced for UFC Japan, will coach new reality show.

Shortly after defending his grappling title at Metamoris, Josh Barnett will be returning to the Octagon as the headliner of UFC Fight Night: Japan on September 27. The former PRIDE star has been a huge star in the country and as he makes his return to the land of the rising sun, he will be matched up against Roy Nelson.

The pair of ranked heavyweights will also serve as coaches on a new reality show called 'Road to UFC: Japan'. Ken Berger announced the news on Thursday afternoon as part of UFC: Manila's media day.

"There is a rich and diverse MMA talent in Japan and we're positive that through Road to UFC: Japan, we will uncover more UFC prospects," Berger announced.

As they stated, the weekly TV program will see 8 athletes training both in their hometowns and at the TUF House in Las Vegas. It will air in Japan on September and will culminate with the two finalists competing at the UFC: Japan card.
Quit trying to backpedal's fucking pathetic.
I have tried to make peace with you, that is really all anyone can do. I think we are both a bit crazy with hot tempers anger management issues from childhood being the fat kid growing up. I am just doing my best to grow up past that, and I do my best to contribute to MMA and grappling as best as I can.

Insinuating or directly implying Josh is ducking UFC drug testing is not the course taken if you want to make peace. Trying to insult him over his current acting career is not an attempt to make peace.

Speak for yourself, not for Josh. You're the one with the temper issue, you're the one who needs to own that wholly, and not attempt to drag someone else down to your level to make you feel better about your low self-worth.
Illegal terrorist threat, lol, I like how that makes it seem like there are legal terrorist threats.
And questioning Josh Barnett's training. hahaha. Great response by Barnett. What did wolfman expect for this background, Barnett found a little grappling book in a Crackerjack book? haha. This thread is great.
In this thread the truth comes out:

Dan the wolfman is a fucking loser. Oh wait, we have all known that for years.
Wow......should be enough bs in there to ban Dan. Totally uncalled for.
First, many thanks to Barnett for posting in this thread; you have many fans here.

Second, insinuating as some posters have done that a current fighter is ducking drug testing is grounds for banning. Due to the notorious lenience of the grappling sub-forum relative to the rest of this site, I prefer to avoid the hammer, but it can't happen again.

Thanks y'all.

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