Case of bad journalism: article leaves out a lot of information.


Plutonium Belt
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
AP article featured on ABC news

Says an ex-Marine was fired froom TimeWarner for lowering the flag to half staff.

The article is lacking in much information and the other side of the story.

The ABC page mentions this story being reported by the Charlotte Observer. The Observer article goes into better detail, mentioning that flags fly half-staff untill Noon then return to norm position . The veteran lowered it at 2pm.

I am not arguing the merits of whether or not he should have done it. Just saying that the ABC blurb is bad reporting. More like clickbait Tabloid journalism.
It's even more than just the company policy of raising it back up at noon.

I bet if the guy just lowered the flag and that was it no one would have a) known or b) cared.

The issue is that he posted video to social media talking smack about his employer, even tagging timewarner specifically.