cardio till sick?


Orange Belt
Jan 27, 2005
Reaction score
So i just finished a gnarly cardio session which consisted of like a total of over 100 burpees and 100 push ups, followed by a 5 minute round of non stop all out gnp on a heavy bag. I feel nauseaus (sp) dizzy, bad head ache.
I know my diet was crap today, and so that may have had something to do with it but could it also be b/c i pushed myself to the limit? and is pushing yourself to the point where you feel sick beneficial or detrimental to progress?
I would say it's beneficial. I wouldent do it everyday but every now and then its good to push yourself to your limit. I can't tell you how many times I've gone on death runs where I would be yaking at the end.
GreenRecon said:
I would say it's beneficial. I wouldent do it everyday but every now and then its good to push yourself to your limit. I can't tell you how many times I've gone on death runs where I would be yaking at the end.

Agreed, every so often it's good to push yourself, but don't train to near death every time.
When I really, really push myself I get the dry heaves sometimes and I feel that it does help me (mentally at least). Just don't do it every day and make sure you're gettin proper nutrition after
I watched the British rowing team training (5 years at Olympic gold) and they were on the concept2 rowers and would row untill they almost passed out. Like they got to the end of the session/race and would literally collapse and their eyes would roll back into their heads.

I would definitly do it, but just keep these sesions in moderation.
bad for ur body to do this , ever . but its very good mentally.
didnt lance armstrong just work his way up comfortably?