Can't teach an old Kiwi new tricks.

Kiwi's log, alternate title "Diaries of a Wimpy Kid: The Later Years".


Kneeling roll-outs, 3 sets of 12
Hanging leg raises, 3 sets of 10 reps
One-arm weighted crunches, 3 sets of 10 per side at 10kg
Supermans, 3 sets of 15 reps

LOL CrossFit:
Some more LISS stuff today. Cardio is boring and hard and sucks. Did 20 minutes on the stair climber, took 20 minutes with an average HR of about 160. After, jumped straight on a treadmill for another 15 minutes at 10kph. Distance run of 2.5km. New shoes are okay, I guess. Feet feel strange running them.

Muay Thai:
And so, my first proper training session in a while. Started off with 3 x 3-minute rounds of shadow boxing, then some clinch drills. One person with a belly pad on sent punches and moved forwards towards the other person. Other person had to just move forward through the punches, take a clinch, and land knees on the belly pad. Pad wearer had to try and keep the person out with punches, as well as try and keep them pressed against the cage. If the clinch became stale, break, repeat. 3 x 3-minute rounds, then switch roles. After that, 3 x 3-minute rounds of Thai pads. Odd numbers plus my gammy shoulder meant that I was relegated to doing bag rounds instead. Finished after the bag rounds, decided against doing the usual calisthenics afterwards in order to be safe with the shoulder. Rehab and some pulling tomorrow.

Here's my squat PR (kind of) video from yesterday:


Hopefully hit 150 again in three weeks or so.
Kiwi's log, my small corner of fail here on the internet.


For anyone wondering how my training has been the past couple of days, this gif is a good approximation:


Shoulder still feeling well below average since Tuesday. Everything is really dicky to do. Also, mental health not so great (as the gif may have indicated).

Something very painful to say and think about, but I may actually have to take a few months off actually doing any Muay Thai until my shoulder is really healed. I mean hell, one training session has put me off training for a couple days. That's pretty bad.

Anyway, stuff to ponder. I'm sure I'll keep working on general fitness stuff anyway.
Something very painful to say and think about, but I may actually have to take a few months off actually doing any Muay Thai until my shoulder is really healed. I mean hell, one training session has put me off training for a couple days. That's pretty bad.

Hoping that isn't the case but i can understand why, just hope it hurries up and heals.
Something very painful to say and think about, but I may actually have to take a few months off actually doing any Muay Thai until my shoulder is really healed. I mean hell, one training session has put me off training for a couple days. That's pretty bad.

I've taken a month off from training to try to heal a knee strain (and hopefully help heal the list of nagging/stupid injuries I've had) and I've actually been quite happy with it. I threw myself into a hypertrophy/LISS (I know this is not the ideal paring) phase, and it has kept me more than occupied. However, I'll be happy to go back to training when I do.
Learning how to properly deal with injuries is a skill required for one's athletic development. Unfortunately, sometimes powering through isn't the best option.
Thanks for the support guys. Had a quick word with my physio tonight. Apparently my tendon is laying down the wrong kind of collagen while trying to repair itself, which is making the problem worse. This means that I need a specific rehab protocol in order to coax my body into laying down the right kind of collagen in order to achieve proper healing. Projected rehab time is about six months.


I was not pleased to hear this news.
That sucks!

Will that take away anything from your training or activity?
Woke, sorry to hear that. That does suck.
Kiwi's log, going to get good at this running and lifting shit.


6.71km run. First time running any kind of distance in my New Balance Minimus. Took about 35 minutes or so. Calves took a bit of a beating, they're still pretty sore. Got to get used to running with less support than I've had previously. Previously I've used them for a bit of sprinting, or short-duration as part of a roadwork circuit (such as Jamieson's Roadwork 2.0 template). Probably going to be some DOMS in them tomorrow. Could be worse though.

Superman push-ups, 10 reps
V-ups, 15 reps
Windshield wipers, 16 reps
Feet elevated crunches, 30 reps

The run that I did was with a client. It was the first run I've done for a while, and since I'm her trainer I tried to make sure not to come across as being a sissy unfit little girly-pants. She's pretty fit, so we kept pace with each other pretty well. Turns out her hamstrings and calves are even shorter and tighter than mine, just mentioned having pain in her achilles in the mornings when she first gets out of bed. Stretching and foam rolling is going to be her new best friend. I'm thinking it's going to be mine as well for the next few days.
Not looking forward to training tomorrow night either. I'm just worried about my shoulder, I guess. I don't want to have to pull out from this fight, but I can't exactly train for a fight by being inactive either. Urghghvghvgh. I'm looking forward to getting a rehab programme all done and written up. Apparently lots of eccentrics coming up.
Hey, I am doing the rounds of the Swoledier logs to see if I can drum up some PR attempts this month. I am guessing that your shoulder will not permit that, but any chance of a curl PR attempt some time? I would really like to get some numbers on the board.
Thanks for the support guys. Had a quick word with my physio tonight. Apparently my tendon is laying down the wrong kind of collagen while trying to repair itself, which is making the problem worse. This means that I need a specific rehab protocol in order to coax my body into laying down the right kind of collagen in order to achieve proper healing. Projected rehab time is about six months.


I was not pleased to hear this news.

Cut the fucker off somehow. This is getting in your way of killing it, and I for one won't have it.

Btw, you're pale, have black chest hair, look sickly and I don't think you've ever touched a weight before. Allow me to rage out.
Hey, I am doing the rounds of the Swoledier logs to see if I can drum up some PR attempts this month. I am guessing that your shoulder will not permit that, but any chance of a curl PR attempt some time? I would really like to get some numbers on the board.

Cut the fucker off somehow. This is getting in your way of killing it, and I for one won't have it.

Btw, you're pale, have black chest hair, look sickly and I don't think you've ever touched a weight before. Allow me to rage out.

Guys. Seriously? Wrong log. Check the post dates, and then refer my sig for my actual real super-duper, stupendous log.
Guys. Seriously? Wrong log. Check the post dates, and then refer my sig for my actual real super-duper, stupendous log.

Yeah, sorry. Followed the link in the first page of the team log. Will update it.
6 months?! BITCH

Sorry man. I'm sure you'll find ways to train around it.
This means that I need a specific rehab protocol in order to coax my body into laying down the right kind of collagen in order to achieve proper healing.

What was that about?