Social Cancel Culture at it's Finest - Libs of TikTok Gets an Old Lady Fired From Home Depot

So, if I told you I'm against stealing elections, but have no problem with Biden claiming he wins the election in November, submitting fake electors and pressuring Kamala to not certify the election - would you agree that's a based take?

Gore and Hillary both claim the elections they lost were stolen and I've never given a shit so...
Gore and Hillary both claim the elections they lost were stolen and I've never given a shit so...

So, you wouldn't mind Biden doing that? Because you're not really principled against any particular position, only interested in fairness and consistency?

I mean this with 100% sincerity because it's going to sound like I'm being sarcastic, but I actually think I like it and although I did come to shit on your take, I now think it might be one the best one I've seen you post.
First few cases of doxxing was for suspected Nazis(real Nazis who are now old men) and abortion doctors. Anyone remember anything earlier?
So, you wouldn't mind Biden doing that? Because you're not really principled against any particular position, only interested in fairness and consistency?

I mean this with 100% sincerity because it's going to sound like I'm being sarcastic, but I actually think I like it and although I did come to shit on your take, I now think it might be one the best one I've seen you post.
The canadian still thinks that the election was rigged and Trump has clean hands.

I wouldn’t have tracked her down or tried to get her fired…but as others mentioned in this thread, what goes around, comes around

It’s no surprise that some conservatives have used their new found ability to organize to rub the lefts noses in the culture they created and are still the main proliferators of. I don’t blame them.

And the people complaining in this thread haven’t denounced cancel culture. They just seem to be upset that it can now go both ways when for a long time it didn’t.

It’s basically the “yeah we do it, but you’re supposed to have standards though” manipulation that has long been a common tactic of the left. You know the old “some Christian you are” tactic.
...or perhaps getting consequences for openly wishing for murder on people is not cancel culture.
Trump himself has directly wished or intimated violence on various people over just the last few years. While I agree that wishing death on someone is dumb and shitty and people shouldn't be surprised by the consequences, it's also a double standard and hypocrisy when the dude who almost got domed has done so himself and while he was almost permanently cancelled, his cancellation meow looks like it will him becoming president of the most powerful nation on earth for a second time. As he said, he could shoot someone in public and get away with it.
I wouldn’t have tracked her down or tried to get her fired…but as others mentioned in this thread, what goes around, comes around

It’s no surprise that some conservatives have used their new found ability to organize to rub the lefts noses in the culture they created and are still the main proliferators of. I don’t blame them.

And the people complaining in this thread haven’t denounced cancel culture. They just seem to be upset that it can now go both ways when for a long time it didn’t.

It’s basically the “yeah we do it, but you’re supposed to have standards though” manipulation that has long been a common tactic of the left. You know the old “some Christian you are” tactic.

There's gonna be a lot of shit like this if Trump wins. People have been trying to warn Democrats about the insane precedents thay have allowed Biden to set.
How can someone get fired for making a post on a Saturday at home that doesn't have ANY connection to their workplace.

Ain't that wrongful termination?
Are you fucking kidding? Google that shit, you don't gotta dig through links, there's plenty. There's so many goddamn times I can't remember them all.

Off the top of my head, perhaps the most notable: “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Don't even play bro.
Doing what Trump actually did or the made up version that lefties like to pretend happened?

My bad, I thought you were taking a stance of "I'd rather be consistently right throughout the war than be specifically right in this instance of the battle", but I think now it's more of "insurrection wasn't real, so that example sucks" lol.
TLDR: An old lady posted something on FB about the "Too bad they weren't a better shot."

Random male Karen comes and confronts her at her job at Home Depot and films it. Libs of TikTok takes the video and tags Home Depot and complains - getting the lady fired. Then they post again bragging about getting her fired.

Libs of TikTok is being a complete asshole and being the very monster they always rail against - cancel culture.

I agree with some things they post - such as not indoctrinating children with trans ideology - and of course do not agree with saying Trump should get shot, but regardless, this is still a complete dipshit move.

So what if some random minimum wage senior citizen old lady has a wrong opinion on Facebook? You have to get her fired for this. Fucking asses.

I'm not a fan of people getting fired for a opinion but I think most companies state stuff about posting on social media. Yeas she didn't post it but it's a bad look