You're basing that on absolutely nothing and the left has an infantile view of diplomacy where every government unlike their own is evil, while the ones most similar to them are the good guys. Acting tough after the left neutered the country isn't exactly an option we have and electing a highly antagonistic government for the next 4 years is like sending us off to walk into traffic.
Of course a leftist would want to immediately "shore up international alliances" rather than just, you know, pull up their own pants. This country needs to stand on its own two feet before it does anything else. Build pipelines east-west, build up the military, build high speed rail everywhere it make sense (like fucking now), standardize qualifications across a broad range of industries and logistics, end intra provincial trade barriers....adopt a know...... conservative platform.
It's cute though, the liberals are pretending to be nationalists now after destroying the country.