Canada will take DACA illegals

My wife and I are very seriously considering leaving Canada within a year or two. It is not just the Muslim takeover, the tyrannical politically correct culture or the tendency of Canadians to brag about how modest and humble they are. The cost of living is getting ridiculous. The tax rate is 43 percent and service in Canada is terrible. The government is always looking for an excuse to raise taxes so they can cover the costs for their reckless spending. It would be much cheaper to live elsewhere.
You may consider yourself free to fly the fuck off to wherever you want. I'm sure Agent Orange would welcome you with open arms, as long as you aren't brown.
Canada's standard of living will decline as it allows in loads of third world immigrants. That's his point.
It hasn't so far. Where is the proof of this decline? I can see with my own eyes that's made up bullshit intended to scare the weak-minded, like yourself and that other clown, apparently.
Yeah, sure it is.

Yes, it is.

It hasn't so far.

Because it's early days. Over the coming decades, as Canada becomes just a mish-mash of different ethnic & religious groups, who all vote socialist, the country will collapse. It's inevitable.

Where is the proof of this decline?

Look at the countries these immigrants come from. Canada is now allowing in hundreds of thousands every year. You don't think that's going to lead to a decline in standards, purely due to over-population? Then there's the inevitable ethnic & religious tensions that will follow. Canada's future is NOT bright.

I can see with my own eyes that's made up bullshit intended to scare the weak-minded, like yourself and that other clown, apparently.

You are too far gone to understand why Canada, like all other Western countries which have gone down the welfare, mass immigration, multiculturalism route will all collapse some time in the next few decades.
Yes, it is.

Because it's early days. Over the coming decades, as Canada becomes just a mish-mash of different ethnic & religious groups, who all vote socialist, the country will collapse. It's inevitable.

Look at the countries these immigrants come from. Canada is now allowing in hundreds of thousands every year. You don't think that's going to lead to a decline in standards, purely due to over-population? Then there's the inevitable ethnic & religious tensions that will follow. Canada's future is NOT bright.

You are too far gone to understand why Canada, like all other Western countries which have gone down the welfare, mass immigration, multiculturalism route will all collapse some time in the next few decades.
LOL fucking overpopulation? 2nd largest country in the world with less than 1/10th the population of the US. Bwahahaha the least of our worries, for sure.
Ya no , how about coming up with some numbers showing how many people immigrate to Canada and then emigrate to the US

Well I have had this conversation with enough immigrants in Canada to know with certainty that it is indeed a thing. So no, I won't dig stats fo you. You can take my word for it, or not, whatever floats your boat. It is up to you, you can do what you want. Like Bob Ross.
LOL LOL fucking overpopulation? 2nd largest country in the world with less than 1/10th the population of the US. Bwahahaha

The issue of overpopulation has nothing to do with landmass you idiot. And even if it did, most of Canada is uninhabitable. Why'd you think the vast majority of Canada's population lives as close to the US border (in the south) as possible? Because the rest of Canada is so cold it's unbearable.
There is still the issue of the 40,000 Syrians brought in 2015, the illegal Haitians pouring in, the 400,000 people Canada brings in addition to the everyday issues affecting native Canadians and Indigenous people that the liberals do not give a shit about. Canada could use some "Canada First" policies before we start trying to take on the rest of the world's problems.

I was assuming you grouped the DACA kids under the same issue. Americans think DACA kids are dangerous drug dealers/gang members who dont speak english and collect welfare checks. When in reality they're mostly college educated, american kids with jobs who work and pay taxes for govt programs they're not even allowed to use.

Im not gonna comment on the rest of the immigrants, its not my place.
America is a white supremacist hell. I think their chances for a good life are better in Mexico.

Ok so I followed the rest of this convo and wtf man? How do you manage to be so retarded? Do you not understand context and scope? Or the differences in the problems you're idiotically misinterpreting?
The issue of overpopulation has nothing to do with landmass you idiot. And even if it did, most of Canada is uninhabitable. Why'd you think the vast majority of Canada's population lives as close to the US border (in the south) as possible? Because the rest of Canada is so cold it's unbearable.
You should have quit while you were behind. You sound dumber with every post and LOL at you calling someone else an idiot.
If they're such a benefit why isn't Mexico desperate to take them in? Why would Mexico turn away 30,000 "skilled" migrants?

They're welcoming them back with benefits Look I'm extremely critical of Canada's current immigration policy and the liberal government in general but this I don't see being a bad thing for Canada. This is trump pandering to the alt right. These are people that crossed the border illegally but have since let their presence known to the authorities. They've gone through the proper security checks and are trying to build a life in the states. They aren't eligible for benefits but are still paying taxes and many of them crossed over so young that they have very little or no connection to their countries of birth.
Well I have had this conversation with enough immigrants in Canada to know with certainty that it is indeed a thing. So no, I won't dig stats fo you. You can take my word for it, or not, whatever floats your boat. It is up to you, you can do what you want. Like Bob Ross.
I don't believe its a thing but go ahead and keep on making assertions that you can't or won't back up based on anecdotal evidence
The issue of overpopulation has nothing to do with landmass you idiot. And even if it did, most of Canada is uninhabitable. Why'd you think the vast majority of Canada's population lives as close to the US border (in the south) as possible? Because the rest of Canada is so cold it's unbearable.
Uninhabitable lol..... you really should quit while your behind
It's his specialty.
Considering the province of New Brunswick by itself, which is in no way uninhabitable due to weather, is the size of France yet has a population less than 1 million, we have no need to worry about over population.
Considering the province of New Brunswick by itself, which is in no way uninhabitable due to weather, is the size of France yet has a population less than 1 million, we have no need to worry about over population.

or how Manitoba is almost 4 times the size of the UK with about 1.2 million people? Even if you assume the northern half is uninhabitable thats still plenty of living space.
You should have quit while you were behind. You sound dumber with every post and LOL at you calling someone else an idiot.

What did I say that was wrong? At least try to form a counter-argument.

That's great! Why the fuck are they "lamenting" the end of DACA then?

Look I'm extremely critical of Canada's current immigration policy and the liberal government in general but this I don't see being a bad thing for Canada. This is trump pandering to the alt right. These are people that crossed the border illegally but have since let their presence known to the authorities. They've gone through the proper security checks and are trying to build a life in the states. They aren't eligible for benefits but are still paying taxes and many of them crossed over so young that they have very little or no connection to their countries of birth.

The end of DACA sends a message to other potential illegals - don't come here, especially with children.

Also, the USA is such an evil, oppressive, white supremacist country so these immigrants, almost all of whom are non-white, should be pleased about leaving! No more oppression! Yay!