Social Canada Records Lowest Birthrate, 2nd Year in a Row

The untalked about social contagion is actually how social media has isolated some people so much and made them fucking wierd. Most young adult men haven't even had sex let alone partners willing to have kids. Couple that with hookup culture and it's just happening later now.
I know the number of young people who haven't had sex is on the rise, but I don't think it's this bad. I think it's still far fewer than half of men by age 25 are virgins. It's always self-testimony, anyway, so it's not entirely reliable, but I don't think it's what you describe.
The original graph is referring to "urban areas" rather than distinct city lines, since population centers often sprawl over those.

Most Densely Populated 2020 Census Urban Areas (200,000 or More Population)​

Urban AreaPopulationLand Area
(square miles)
Population Density
Los Angeles--Long Beach--Anaheim, CA12,237,3761,636.837,476
San Francisco--Oakland, CA3,515,933513.806,843
San Jose, CA1,837,446285.486,436
New York--Jersey City--Newark, NY--NJ19,426,4493,248.125,981
Honolulu, HI853,252144.975,886
Modesto, CA357,30170.385,077
Las Vegas--Henderson--Paradise, NV2,196,623435.295,046
Oxnard--San Buenaventura (Ventura), CA376,11776.614,910
Miami--Fort Lauderdale, FL6,077,5221,244.184,888
San Diego, CA3,070,300674.724,551[/quo

Yeah, I just looked it up and the NY Metro goes real deep into New Jersey, New York and Connecticut. I'm pretty sure there's farmland in some of these areas. It's gargantuan.


That explains it because no one that's been to both New York and LA can say that LA is more dense.
Canadian government:
1. Import millions of Indian immigrants to drive up housing and take entry level jobs.
2. All social services, infrastructure and education crumbling under weight of massive immigration wave.
3. Drop standard of living for everyone for 4th year straight.
4. "Why aren't young people having kids?"

You missed the biggest issue of falling productivity vs. the US.

I guess we need all our foreign students to start having babies?
The cost of living, of home ownership, of having children is extremely expensive. More than half of marriages end in divorce. Divorces are extremely expensive and family court is not only expensive, but biased. None of this is conducive to high birthrates.
I can honestly say Canada no longer feels like Canada. Ita basically India now. Everything has gone to shit
I feel bad for immigrants here. Moving here for the 'dream' and ending up living four families to a one family home and working at Tim Hortons. A lot of them end up moving home when they realize they've been sold a lie.

The systemic problems Canada has can't be fixed with immigration, bumping up the birth rate is just a band aid solution. The boomers aren't going anywhere. They're in their 70s now and half of them are going to live to be 90+. The common refrain I hear is 'well at least once the boomers die off...' but I know plenty of boomers and they have no intention of dying off for another 2-3 decades. In a lot of cases their kids will die before them.

It's only going to get worse.

Well, the immigrants sure breed like rabbits when coming to the us to get those anchor babies


Do you people ever get tired of being wrong?
Well, that’s relief that the millions of illegals bedding down in the country won’t have any kids. And it’s not just Latinos streaming into the country like a piñata exploded, it’s Arabs and other groups as well. Latinos just happen to be the ones the focus is on because they come by the millions. Again, so glad they won’t breed us out of our own country
Money, time, energy, options to do other things, and probably the biggest contributing factors, contraception and people not having more than two kids. Most people have their fill at two. Pretty much everyone I know that has more than two kids fucked up on the contraceptive side.
Canada is densely populated near the border, i.e. anywhere people (especially immigrants) want to live. Toronto is the one of if not the most densely populated cities in North America. Vancouver and Montreal are around #3 and #4.


And guess what, house price to income ratios are higher or about equal in these metros than the most expensive places in America:
RankCityPrice To Income RatioGross Rental Yield City CentreGross Rental Yield Outside of CentrePrice To Rent Ratio City CentrePrice To Rent Ratio Outside Of City CentreMortgage As A Percentage Of IncomeAffordability Index
7Quebec City11.82.25.645.817.9110.70.9

RankCityPrice To Income RatioGross Rental Yield City CentreGross Rental Yield Outside of CentrePrice To Rent Ratio City CentrePrice To Rent Ratio Outside Of City CentreMortgage As A Percentage Of IncomeAffordability Index
1New York, NY12.
2Brooklyn, NY11.26.26.916.114.4100.51.0
3Honolulu, HI10.
4Queens, NY8.66.57.915.512.678.51.3
5Boston, MA7.
6San Francisco, CA7.
7San Diego, CA7.
8Long Beach, CA7.
9San Jose, CA7.
10Washington, DC7.06.16.916.414.562.81.6

The #21 city in Canada (Markham) has a higher housing price to income ratio than #5 Boston. And Markham is no Boston by far.
Is that Hamilton, Ontario at the top of that list? That is mind blowing to me. Most of that city is a shit hole. I can remember when you moved to Hamilton because you couldn't afford to live anywhere else. That is sickening.

When I say that cats will eventually drive humans to extinction, I'm not kidding. More and more women are choosing cats over husbands and children and this will only get worse.
More immigrants from Islamic countries needed IMO.

Boost the economy and your nation. That’s what they’ll tell you anyway.
The younger generations will figure this out. A sign of being old is thinking the next generations are doomed. Canada is gonna be fine. The doom and gloom crowd really are a sad bunch.
There's just so many factors contributing to this I don't see how you can fix it.

Obviously housing cost is the number 1 issue.
Personal debt is a huge factor.
But the social factors are huge too.
You have kids being told from a young age that it's better to be gay or trans than straight and that you should spend your 20s doing a bunch of shit that makes you a less desirable mate once you hit 30.

The good news is every after a total societal collapse, a new society will emerge.

So at this point, we just gotta ride it out.
There was a popular YouTube video on this recently, and if it is to be trusted, actually the average American still wants 2.7 kids, so all that stuff about wanting to be childless or whatever is just a loud internet minority as usual.

I think if we could just make housing affordable, we could be at a decent level.

Edit: I realize we are talking about Canada here and they no doubt are different, but I’m assuming that you are an American.
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