Can anyone explain this workout?


Purple Belt
Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score

what exactly is this guy trying to accomplish with horrible form and large potential for injury?
It would seems is has the same train of thought as Crossfit or Tabata but the form is so bad that i think its not even worth it. Do you just think is is a good workout or do you think its a good workout but its just done poorly by this guy?
just for informational purposes "fran" consists of Fran

* Thruster 95 lbs
* Pull-ups
21-15-9 reps, for time

but that video is a perfect example of what i dont like about crossfit: the lack of a strength base. he is too weak to be performing that routine. if you have to cheat that bad, then whats the fucking point? those vandamme pullups were abysmal to say the very least. nobody should perform that routine until they can do that same weight/reps with perfect form.

that being said, i like some of crossfit's workouts. id rather do that sort of stuff for cardio than running, etc.
To me it looks like he is just doing the opposite movements.
He pushes, than pull, etc.
Yeah but he was timing his sets so that tells me that it was more than just push/pull. Those chin ups were just horrible....i mean really bad. I guess its a good appraoch to working out but the guy just shouldnt have been trying it.
I would not try to look too much into his timing,
if his techniques were not great, how good do you think his methods are?
This is like a lot of the newbies jumping into Westside training without knowing their ass from a hole in the ground. It just isn't a good idea. Like remy said a good base of strength is essential for most of the "advanced" training techniques.
actually a better idea for him to do would be to drop it to 5 sets of 9 or 9 sets of 5. the idea of fran is to get to a point where you are doing the thrusters and pull ups back to back. it's a great workout and what he is doing with the pull ups is what the crossfit people call kipping(something i don't fully agree with but do think it comes into play when you are trying more of a conditioning workout than a strength one. most will disagree with me i suspect but like i said i try to keep kipping to a minimum.). as far as him being bad at it, what should he do, not do the workout till he is better at the workout? or are you saying he should be stronger before he does pullups? one of the ways you get better at pullups is by doing them.
but you wont get better at doing them if you are doing them wrong. You'll just get better at doing more wrong ones.
batman69 said:
one of the ways you get better at pullups is by doing them.
with good form. I think what people are suggesting is that he get better at pullups before trying a routine that A) fatigues him before he ever gets around to pullups and B) requires a lot of pullups. This is a good example of why I don't like crossfit for everyone. Sure, it'd be nice if we were all capable of doing these things, but clearly this guy is better at BB thrusters than he is at pullups, and it's really showing he's not ready for fran.

However, how did I get better at pullups? I cheated a lot, I try not to cheat now, but I think that they're something which responds best to high volume, and as such cheating to get to a certain volume mark seems to have worked in the past for me. Ultimately though, I think everyone should shoot for L-Sit Pullups to completely eliminate any kicking.
Jay M. said:
Ross is the shit.

Indeed. I've never read or heard ANYTHING negative about Ross. Even the guys on DragonDoor give him props.
Ya, and they like to trash-talk almost everyone that isn't part of their "group."
that guy's form is fucking terrible. It hillarious that he rushed to start his rep after starting the timer and then hurried through the entire set. I give him a couple more years of doing this stuff before he wears out his knees, hips, and elbows and rips his shoulders out. Remy's absolutely right. The guy is just too weak, muscularly and structurally, to be doing that workout. He's limp as a noodle through every one of his sloppy reps.

And what the hell is it with guys that drudge through workouts too? I feel like grabbing a bell and just whacking it off their heads. It's amazing how some think that making a set look intense by rushing through it and walking around afterward looking tired gives them the impression that they're training hard.

I want to see a video of this guy doing jumping jacks with his spastic technique. That would be funny.
I don't think cheating at reps helps. I like the "Greasing the Groove" Method by Pavel. Good form, train fresh, more often works great.
I'm talking about Ross Enamait from Urban's other man-crush besides Dan John.


The Magic 50 is a simple complex involving 5 dumbell snatches (for both arms) followed by 5 swings (for both arms) followed by 10 burpees. That's one set. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets and work towards 5 sets more or less depending on how good your conditioning is. I'm sure some of the guys here could probably do it without resting between sets.
man, im gunna try that magic 50 next workout. Sounds pretty sweet.....but all these circuits are pretty much throwing together a bunch of really tough exersizes with little break.
BAS_FAN said:
man, im gunna try that magic 50 next workout. Sounds pretty sweet.....but all these circuits are pretty much throwing together a bunch of really tough exersizes with little break.

Give it a try and check out Ross' site for more workouts. You can even e-mail him. I e-mailed him once and he never pushed any of his products, he answered my questions and that's it.

When I first saw the Magic 50 it looked easy on paper, but man I was dying after I first tried it.