Social California Senate just banned schools from notifying parents if their child changes their gender identity or pronouns

I don’t know if I full agree with a mandate but I lean toward that versus the schools keeping something as serious as this from parents.

I also feel like there isn’t any evidence to support your first presumption.

In the end, there will be only a very small amount of kids that fall into this bucket. I would be in favor of each school district deciding how they want to handle it.
certainly there's anecdotal evidence.

quick google also found this:

Conclusions: Family rejection related to gender identity is an understudied interpersonal stressor that may negatively affect health outcomes for transgender and gender nonconforming individuals. A better understanding of the role of close relationships in both risk and resilience for transgender individuals is critical in the development of effective public health interventions for this community.

again, it's just the violent negative reaction to a nuanced topic that is baffling (well, not really, it's obviously a wedge topic with alot of fake rage). i do appreciate you recognizing that nuance.