Elections California bans voter ID

what basic premise? all you talking about all of the non-existance evidence of widespread election fraud that donald trump and his all star team of lawyers (only the best!) never once alleged throughout any court in the land? or just to try to stop any potential of the election fraud fairy and the ghost of hugo chavez from making their grand appearance one of these days but just not today?

or is this simply about suppressing more voters who might not vote the way you want them to because the party is becoming more and more unpopular amongst the majority of voters, and even with all the gerrrymandering it's still hard to pick up more voters considering that they remain unpopular amongst millenials, and a bulk of their voters are old timers who are starting to expire?

despite some form of id being required to vote in most states, i'm surprised the rubes haven't been super obvious about what they are trying to do and start lobbying to require people to show their firearms licenses and prove their affliation with the local christian church just to be able to vote in an election. the party doesn't want to move forward, they're too busy going backwards trying to take more of peoples rights away that they fought for, so may as well bring it all the way back to the jim crow era i guess.
Please point to a post in this thread where I referenced Trump or the Republican Party.
Yea bro, I'm sure the military will have an easy time voting in person at their military stations throughout the world
You would literally just setup a polling station at the base. It's not going to be substantially harder than the mess hall they setup.
You would literally just setup a polling station at the base. It's not going to be substantially harder than the mess hall they setup.

Military members have their vote counted in the state that they consider their permanent residence. Being deployed or stationed elsewhere doesn’t necessarily count as a permanent residence.

So, say they do start voting at the base.. what do you think they will do with the ballots? (hint: they.. will mail them in to the appropriate states.)

What would the alternative be? Start assigning delegates to each base abroad or something? Obviously not.

So, if it’s okay for military personnel to mail in ballots, why not other citizens?
Please point to a post in this thread where I referenced Trump or the Republican Party.

i don't have to. its the same semantics from the same group of people and the issue is never really about showing id or validating their votes. it's about trying to suppress groups of people from exercising their constitutional right to vote, not because they are illegal voters or anything, but because they are likely to not vote how the republicans want them to.

they wouldn't be screeching about mail in voting if republicans had a tendancy to vote that way, and i don't see them clamoring for mandatory voting id requirements in any deep red poor districts chockers full of white people. voter fraud would never ever be an issue there or anything. but in any contested state that they lose, just ask them and i'm sure that they will tell you everywhere outside of a courtroom that the fraud was everywhere and we need to "fix" this by making it harder for these people to vote, that is if they can't just bully the courts into throwing out their votes for no legitimate reason at all.
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and election fraud is a tin foil hat conspiracy and then you have bullshit like this.

On the other hand if you are too dumb or lazy to get an ID how could you possibly be making an informed decision at the ballot box ?
Unfortunately there was a lot of systemic disemfranchisement on racial grounds in US history, so laws were put in place to ensure these sorts of laws couldn't creep back in and be used to suppress minority votes. That's where these voter ID laws tend to fall down - they are blatant violations of existing civil rights.

You need to show an ID to register to vote, as far as I understand it. There is no rule against that. But changing the rules just before an election on a targeted basis is plainly illegal.

If it's a problem you probably need to demonstrate that it is and why the solution of making it more difficult to vote is a reasonable solution, but weirdly that never seems to be doable for partisan legislators.

Not every state has voter registration.
I want to know why i have to show ID every time i’ve ever voted. Somehow it only became racist to prevent illegals from voting..uh illegally in the last 8 years though.
Requiring an ID to vote is a barrier.

Even if ID cards were free, it would still be a barrier to voting.

No it is not as long as the ID is free. That's why it's legal in the states that require it.
I bet they had ID when they were carded to buy booze
Nah. It's an extra step not mentioned in the Constitution. That's an infringement on it's face.

You're best bet would be to actual show voter fraud and start poking at strict scrutiny there. Too bad it doesn't exist.

It's allowed and a legal in states that require it and should be required in every state for any nation election. Some infringement is allowed on any right.

Hell look at the infringement on the 2nd amendment.

It's an end run to allow illegals to vote while making sure they can't get caught at it.

"You can't prove illegals voted because we don't require ID so everyone is legal."

I don't care what they did for state or local elections but for nation elections its different.

One more proof the electoral system is best .
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I want to know why i have to show ID every time i’ve ever voted. Somehow it only became racist to prevent illegals from voting..uh illegally in the last 8 years though.
—Probably because you live in a state where it’s required. I have lived in states where I didn’t have to show ID to vote (Nevada).

—Saying “it’s racist” really misses the multitude of arguments against voter ID. Purposely, I imagine.

—It’s become an issue in more recent years (longer than 8 years though) because of the push by the GOP since 2010 to pass restrictive voter ID laws to try and stop their opposition from voting. And make no mistake, that is their purpose.
it really is a manufactured issue
I believe both sides have contributed to this . . .

I'm surprised CA doesn't give registered voters a free Voter ID like we get here in Oklahoma.
It’s impressive how the Republican Party has managed to convince people that infringing on people’s voting rights is in fact a GOOD thing.

But if you mention something like mandatory background checks, a national gun registration requirement, or gun licenses, they freak out and scream “but da constitution!!”.
You would literally just setup a polling station at the base. It's not going to be substantially harder than the mess hall they setup.

Except that elections are conducted by the states.

How do you expect the states to oversee military voters in foreign countries? Lol
Ah good ole California, you don’t need an ID to vote.

Oh you’re a cop in full uniform, in a police car and have a CDL and police ID… sorry can’t by ammo unless you have a copy of your birth certificate since you don’t have a Real ID, even though we run a background check…
They typically do have to have those things to register to vote in CA though. If they didn’t have an ID or supply a social security number at the time of registration, then they typically have to show ID at the polls when they vote the first time.
I believe both sides have contributed to this . . .

I'm surprised CA doesn't give registered voters a free Voter ID like we get here in Oklahoma.
Is that in addition to your regular license? Here in WI you can get a “free” ID for voting, but you can’t have that and a driver’s license at the same time so you have to surrender all driving privileges to get the “free” ID.

(I put “free” in quotation marks because you still have to supply a birth certificate or other documents to get the ID which, if you don’t have them, are a pain in the ass and not free to replace.)
I believe both sides have contributed to this . . .

I'm surprised CA doesn't give registered voters a free Voter ID like we get here in Oklahoma.
They give them all ballots. The ballot is their id. Some counties want you to bring it to the polls with you if you vote in person.

The push for “voter id’s” is definitely a republican thing, and it’s definitely not based on any reality of voter fraud. It’s looking for problems where none exist.

But, like I said, I agree that it’s a trivial thing to require an id, we require some form of id to vote in person in my state (I always use the drop box, though).
I think a dedicated voter id can make the process more efficient. I just don’t think it matters much, otherwise. If Cali doesn’t want their counties to require it, it’s not creating any problem, so who cares?
I definitely don’t support these bang new requirements right before it’s time to vote, which is what started this kerfuffle between the state and Huntington Beach.
There needs to be a long enough roll out period for people to be informed and adjust.
Is that in addition to your regular license? Here in WI you can get a “free” ID for voting, but you can’t have that and a driver’s license at the same time so you have to surrender all driving privileges to get the “free” ID.
Yep. I have both a driver's license and voter ID card.
(I put “free” in quotation marks because you still have to supply a birth certificate or other documents to get the ID which, if you don’t have them, are a pain in the ass and not free to replace.)
I have an original copy of mine, but I was able to request a duplicate online without any issues. I think it was less than $20.
They typically do have to have those things to register to vote in CA though. If they didn’t have an ID or supply a social security number at the time of registration, then they typically have to show ID at the polls when they vote the first time.
Yes, and there’s a registered voter list at the polls. You can’t just be an illegal immigrant and say your name is Jack Meoff and vote and expect it to be counted. Everyone is entitled to a provisional ballot, though. Which would still be the case if id’s were “required”. The provisionals are vetted and thrown out if it’s not a registered voter’s ballot.
They give them all ballots. The ballot is their id. Some counties want you to bring it to the polls with you if you vote in person.
So basically every registered voter gets a ballot to either mail in or use as an ID at their polling station? Interesting.
The push for “voter id’s” is definitely a republican thing, and it’s definitely not based on any reality of voter fraud. It’s looking for problems where none exist.

But, like I said, I agree that it’s a trivial thing to require an id, we require some form of id to vote in person in my state (I always use the drop box, though).
I think a dedicated voter id can make the process more efficient. I just don’t think it matters much, otherwise. If Cali doesn’t want their counties to require it, it’s not creating any problem, so who cares?
I definitely don’t support these bang new requirements right before it’s time to vote, which is what started this kerfuffle between the state and Huntington Beach.
Wanting registered voters to prove they are who they say they are is looking for problems where none exist? Whether the chance of fraud is 5% or 75% why wouldn't every US citizen want to do everything possible to ensure our single votes are as equal as they can be?
There needs to be a long enough roll out period for people to be informed and adjust.
People would still complain that it "isn't fair" or discriminatory.