Elections California bans voter ID

Fucking Dems

does this also mean A person can vote more than once?

lets cut california off w a chainsaw and let it float away or sink
You pompous, self righteous, racist, Left Cult idiots.

Everyone should have an ID and it's made really easy to obtain.
Again with the insults. Where I live there is zero public transport, not even UBER and the taxi service is so remedial even if you book well in advance.

Once again these imaginary people you know don’t leave their houses for 8 years stretches? Because that’s how long an ID is generally good for. Go on weirdo, still sending internet gifts to that guy who got banned for stalking people?
Sudden surge in "enemy" talk around here in the last few days. Fucking jabronis

like these guys?

the enemies within^^^
Lmao you make America sound like a third world country. Need some proof that public transportation is damn near non existent in most of the country. Also need some proof that the majority of the country has less than $500 in their bank account…which requires an ID by the way. Dipshit.
2% of americans rely on public transit compared to 10%-20% in western europe. 45% of americans don't even have access to public transit at all, let alone feasible public transit.

also a source on the $500 in savings factoid. btw, i didn't say the majority. i said half the country. it's just less than half, apparently.

I'm fine with it. I'm just saying that you're starting to believe in the liberal fantasy that there is a whole subset of people who do not have the means of getting an ID but are still active voters. The idea that there are a bunch of people in America that can't get to a DMV is ridiculous. People that are going through life without an ID are pretty much either illegal immigrants, children or people living in tents and halfway houses.

lol not true. There’s plenty of super poor people out there.

Make ID free every where
Once again these imaginary people you know don’t leave their houses for 8 years stretches? Because that’s how long an ID is generally good for. Go on weirdo, still sending internet gifts to that guy who got banned for stalking people?
In your world we all have public transport...is that not what you said? Or are you taking that back as well now? The way you're spouting you haven't even left your town, let alone state or travelled abroad.
Internet gifts? What on earth have you imagined in your vapid dullard little head here? Lol.
I actually don't think anyone really believes the "too poor to get an ID" argument. it's just a rhetoric crutch and nothing more. Even the poorest of the poor in India for example have ID and they require it for voting. The fact that america, richest country, just couldn't figure out giving free IDs to people means it's just politicking. you had 8 years of Obama - why didn't the democrats pass a law to give free IDs to everyone? Why doesn't California pass one like that?

Because it's NOT about the IDs.