Burned out on "15 reps of 2 sets" style training?


Purple Belt
Nov 14, 2002
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For about 4-5 weeks I was doing alot of "strength endurance" style workouts, doing 15-20 sets of 1-2 reps with 20-30 seconds rest. I was training 3 days a week, alternating upper body and lower body workouts. I also alternated in DE days that had both DE training and some higher rep training 8+. ie


dips 15x2
chins 15x2
bent over row 3x8
DB press 3x8
shrugs 3x8


cleans 15x2
deadlifts 5x5
GMs 3x8
ab work


close grip bench 8x3
clapping pushups 5x3
explosive chins 8x 3
bent over row 5x5
shrugs 3x12


10x2 jump squats
some other explosive jumps 5x3
ab work



I have gotten so burnt out. For example, my personal best on incline barbell was 4 reps with 225, now I get like 2 reps with 135. Squats I've done 2 with 365, now I only get about 5 reps with 225.

I was wondering if anyone else knows much about or has had burnout like this from this style of training? I have been to a doctor to see if something else is at play, but nothing has come up.

Thanks for any help.
I haven't actually tried that kind of break down but was thinking about giving it a go in the new year.

I don't think I will now......thats a hell of a decrease.

Time for a break me thinks
My initial thought is "Take a week off".
Please eep us updated about what happened after you rested some time.
Urban pointed out this link to me. I have been using the workout that is split into 2 days. It is a similar rep scheme to what you were talking about. I have been using it for a bit over a month now and all of my lifts are going up. I only lift 2 days a week and do cardio and bagwork 2 other days with some calve and or arm work thrown in. It has worked great for me so far. http://www.workingclassfitness.com/MMAStrength.shtml
Classic signs of overtraining.

You can make more progress by working out less. Focus on your recovery more than your lifting. Adequate lifting with exceptional recovery will lead to greater progress than exceptional lifting with poor recovery.
Good decision by going to the doctor first before posting a thread.

I don't think you have very much to worry about, though... You just overtrained your body and now you need to recover. Eat good food and rest and I think you should be back in no time and probably be even stronger than before. Don't quote me on this, but I read in some muscle mag (so take it for what it is worth) that overtraining your muscles will make them stronger in the long-run or some stupid shit. Hell if I know.
Hammerlock said:
For about 4-5 weeks I was doing alot of "strength endurance" style workouts, doing 15-20 sets of 1-2 reps with 20-30 seconds rest. I was training 3 days a week, alternating upper body and lower body workouts. I also alternated in DE days that had both DE training and some higher rep training 8+.

Thanks for any help.

I train like this for most of the year and I never burnout. I think your problem is that you're doing too many movements per workout and the rest periods are too short for now. If you're going to do 15 to 20 sets of doubles, pick one or two exercises, work them hard for a couple of weeks and switch it around. You also might want to increase your rest periods to 45 or 60 seconds at first then cut back on the time between sets but keeping the weight the same. Like i said, i train like this for most of the year, and I do the exact same workout every day for two or three weeks, then switch up.

and try not to include 8 or 12 rep sets when you're doing this type of training because it'll just tax you even more. you might want to save those rep schemes on the weeks you're not doing numerous sets of doubles.


2 or 3 weeks: 15-20 sets of 1-2 reps with 20 to 60 seconds rest between sets. Keep the weight the same but work on decreasing rest periods over the course of four to five months. you really shouldn't be getting a pump on these workouts. 70-80% of 1rm seems to work best. Choose two to four exercises for the entire routine.

alternate with 1 to 3 weeks of higher rep workouts with 60 to 70% of 1rm either with the same exercises or specific exercises to focus on weak points that you will work on during the next strength endurance period.

I hope this helps.
Thanks for the posts so far. I haven't lifted weights for 3 weeks now because I haven't felt much better in wrestling practice, still low on energy. I am gonna take a full week off, no cardio, weights or wrestling and then try some light training and see how I feel.
Hey, I'm a little confused by your use of "Sets" and "reps". I'm also positive you want to say 1-2 sets of 15-20 reps (not vice versa, like you did). I ask this because you also said 1-2 reps of 135 on Incline Bench instead of 4 reps of 225. Seriously, that's over a 100 pound decrease. So I was wondering if you meant to say you could only do 1-2 sets of 15-20 reps with 135 where before you could do 4 sets of 225 for (I'm assuming) a lower number of reps: something in the MxS range.
Your doing to many exercises per workout, all you need is 1, if you are doing 20 sets...then add extra grip/ab/neck work in.
I think most people burn out with this type of training because for most, it's a huge jump in volume/work. If your hoisting a high % of your 1rm for 10-20 sets of 2-4 reps then you might want to cut back on other movements.
Duncon76 said:
Your doing to many exercises per workout, all you need is 1, if you are doing 20 sets...then add extra grip/ab/neck work in.

this is really good advice.
I should add in on top of those weight workouts I was doing 5 wrestling practices a week and 3 running sessions.
[insert shocked look]

I wonder why you might have burnt out then
Wow man, that in itself is alot of work. That is intense. I am not surprised at all that you are overtrained.

On another note, Sonny, I love your new Billy Idol av.
P.S. Sonny, You change your avatar more than I change my undies. Is there a reason for this?
I've been doing really high volume work like this for months now and done nothing but make gains, but I don't do anything besides lifting. I'd say you're really under-recovering. Something to consider would be cutting back to two days per week of this style of lifting, cause you're putting yourself through a lot of training. How much sleep do you get at night and what does your diet look like? what kind of supps are you taking?