Burned out on "15 reps of 2 sets" style training?

Diet and sleep are very good. I am gonna switch down to 2 days a week when in competition season. Sups, Creatine sometimes and glutamine always. Was taking hydroxycut to keep my weight down, started taking hydroxy around the same time I noticed feeling severly overtrained. Don't know if there is correlation.
rickdog said:
On another note, Sonny, I love your new Billy Idol av.

You love fucking with me don't you? :D

rickdog said:
P.S. Sonny, You change your avatar more than I change my undies. Is there a reason for this?

I've changed my av maybe 5 or 6 times in the last 2 years, if you change your ginch less than that you got problems boy.
No dude, Im not trying to screw with you. I just noticed It was a young Bruce Willis. Sorry about that.

There is nothing wrong with changing the skibbies 6 times a year. Hell that is once every 2 months. I just chisel them off and put on the next victimized pair.
rickdog said:
No dude, Im not trying to screw with you. I just noticed It was a young Bruce Willis. Sorry about that.

LOL! You're a real fucker sometimes.
reminds me of james dean... with a bigger forehead.

And a personal confession, I change my avatar as often as I change my underwear.
Urban said:
And a personal confession, I change my avatar as often as I change my underwear.

I thought I smelled something.
Urban, That is a sign of being a man, not changing your underwear. Therefore you are the manliest man I know.
rickdog said:
Urban, That is a sign of being a man, not changing your underwear.

Maybe my girlfriend finally belives me if i tell her that rickdog says the same. :D
I give you permission Graedy.... Trust me, chicks dig it. The musky cent of masculinity eminating from your drawers is enough to drive the ladies wild. Trust me man, once they peel and chisel off those underoos you are in for the time of your life.
Graedy, It's been a day since I gave you my advice. Did it work or did it work man. Seeeeee, just listen to me when it comes to the ladies, oh wait, then again, im just coming off of a 2.5 yr relationship ending. Huh, maybe my advice sucks and I will never understand women. and then again, maybe I will never care to understand them either, well enough of a rant.\

I trained my 15x2 style workout today and I;m continuing to make gains. I love it.
Well, i did it that way all the time. But she didnt believe me that its very manly. So i told her: "Rickdog and many ohter sherdoggers think it IS very manly. So..."
Of course she admitted immediatelly, that she was wrong! :D
Very good man, I'm proud of you. No women can stand against the power of Sherdog. Though they may try, they will all meet the same fate, of giving in and realizing that old, dirty ratty skibbies are cool.
hughes said:
My initial thought is "Take a week off".

me 2.

your nervous system has to regenerate the neurotransmitters and other things that have to do with muscle contraction like calcium, atp, creatine. otherwise you won't be able to live up to your potential, and that means you'll be training under your potential if you overtrain. not to mention, maybe your muscles aren't repaired enough yet. eating and sleeping more would probably help.
I am taking 2 full weeks of training entirely. I am half way through it. I will see how training goes in a week.
also if you wish to continue to train at this intensity i would suggest you pay close attention to your diet. Try to keep your blood as Alkaline as possible(greens like spinache) and eat good protiens like fish and lean red meats. never cook meat till it's well done, you always want a medium rare.

thats about all you can do for optimum recovery diet wise.

EDIT: also always keep a base level of fiber in your diet to keep your digestive system running at peek performance.
YOmon, I love eating my meat ar Red as they will leave it for me. I was wondering why you said never to have it well done. Is it simply because cooking it that much kills all the nutrients in it?
rickdog said:
YOmon, I love eating my meat ar Red as they will leave it for me. I was wondering why you said never to have it well done. Is it simply because cooking it that much kills all the nutrients in it?

essentialy yes. what we are most worried about when heating meat is to not eliminate all the natural enzymes in the meat. Enzymes are essential for digestion because they actualy break down the food. fully cooked meat cannot be easily digested by the body. the body is forced to use it's own enzymes to digest the food and this puts an unatural strain on all systems of the body. on top of all that any portions that do not get fully digested can stay on the intestinal wall, rot, and cause a whole bunch of health problems like intestinal wall thining, intestinal bleeding, and in most sever cases cancer. obviously this is only in extream cases though.

i'm not saying eat it raw, just don't cook the snot out of it and eat red meats in moderation. Fish is an awsome alternative if you fnd yourself eating more then 1 serving of red meat a day.
Ted-P said:
What about bacterias and worms?

worms shouldn't be a problem unless your in a third world country(worms havn't been a problem in north america for a while now) and as long as your healthy the body should be able to handle the bacteria without much trouble.

and once again pink on the inside, not purple. thats just nasty.
Urban said:
reminds me of james dean... with a bigger forehead.

And a personal confession, I change my avatar as often as I change my underwear.

Oh thats where the stench is coming from. I thought it was my "I smell like shit" thread in OT.