Media Budweiser made a special Cowboy Can for Cerrone. Cowboy is LITERALLY a can waiting to get crushed

<mma4>Of course the goat
Been there done that
War Ronda
“Cowboy is LITERALLY a can waiting to get crushed”


Nice play on words but everything still of a figurative nature.

I'm just saying.
you can be blue collar and rich. blue collar workers aren't all poor lol. yes, if you are blue collar you work hard and it's probably labor. but that doesn't exempt you from having a trust fund, high wages, and even a technical education. for example my buddy who is a metal worker has a 2 year diploma and is making over 100k a year. way more than me who has a 4 year bachelors degree that didn't make an income while going to school.
Having money now doesn't equal social class. Social class is influenced by how you grew up, even if you aren't in that world now.
Thanks for showing us the can for longer than a split second from 50ft away the camera.
inb4 floyds on a $100 bill
Cowboy looks he's on the last day of a weight cut and it's a week out but the fights at 170? Weird.