Sometimes in life you just need to STFU. You are referring to what I believe to be the slippery slope method but the thing here is there needs to be a separation between opinion and facts. He was wrong and there are consequences for being wrong. Name me any credible history class in the world that teaches about Hitler and World War 2 and if anyone said what Bryce did they would and should fail the class. No questions asked.
I get what you're saying but saying dumb shit has consequences and no one should be defending stupidity. This is the same guy who did the "research" and after all his "research" he believes the Bible word for word, he does not believe in seatbelts, he believes in a flat Earth and now that Hitler was a 'good guy'. You look at it as censoring his opinions but I look at it similar to my history analogy. If a history or science teacher went to a class and taught the same thing Bryce believes in they would never be able to teach in any public or private school in the country (possibly even the world) except maybe Arkansas, and those same teachers would lose their livelihoods not because of their opinion but because they were wrong.