Brown Rice v White Rice?


Brown Belt
Dec 22, 2002
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I eat white rice everyday (my wife is oriental so we normally just eat oriental food apart from w/ends) and just wondered how much difference eating brown would make. I am aware its better for you but is it a significant difference or just a minor one. The reason I ask is my wife HATES brown rice and it would be a pain in the butt to have to make it in our ricemaker as I would have to take all her stuff out first.

But if it would make a big difference (as in I am trying to cut excess bodyfat) then I would do it.

Any advice appreciated.
Brown rice isnt even realy rice .... odly enough.

I think the differance is significant but I am less educated on this stuff then a majority of the people around here.
Pretty sure white rice is simple sugar and brownrice is complex. This means it would make a diff, however i could be wrong about the simple/complex. Get Kabuki or Madmick in here, or hell search for it i bet you can find osmething.
i mix it part brown two parts white. Also, i cook this in the rice maker all the time. Try that maybe your wife might like it.
tank666 said:

I eat white rice everyday (my wife is oriental so we normally just eat oriental food apart from w/ends) and just wondered how much difference eating brown would make. I am aware its better for you but is it a significant difference or just a minor one. The reason I ask is my wife HATES brown rice and it would be a pain in the butt to have to make it in our ricemaker as I would have to take all her stuff out first.

But if it would make a big difference (as in I am trying to cut excess bodyfat) then I would do it.

Any advice appreciated.

only time white rice is good is post-workout for that insulin-spike.. being asian myself and growing up on white rice.. i can definitely tell a difference between white and brown rice.. brown keeps me fuller longer.. after a while, u'll get used to the taste and not even think twice about eating brown rice..

o yeh.. and tell ur wife not to make anymore tofu/soy products!!!! soy sauce is ok though :wink:
White rice is refined, much like white flour, white sugar.
Brown rice is still in it's whole form.

Your body will digest and use brown rice much better than it will white rice.
Brown rice also has flavor, texture, depth and to my well traveled palate, it's a bonus.

This is why I choose brown rice.
thanx a lot for all the advice! will try and talk the wife around, and will tell her about tofu and soy based products as well cheers supersudo.
blanko said:
white rice is "refined"??? WTF???

yes brown rice is rice in its more natural form, white rice is "refined" from it and stripped of its nutrients...

it's like how white bread is made with white flour...
yes brown rice is rice in its more natural form, white rice is "refined" from it and stripped of its nutrients...

it's like how white bread is made with white flour...

i donno, all of east asia eat's white rice and they don't "process" it.
It's "processed" by removing the bran, or outer brown sheath which contains all the nutrients you need to digest the inner, white rice.
Yeah post it...what is it? Also what is wild rice? I mean i know what it is but what types of rive are in it and are they the same as brown rice nutritionaly?
supersudo said:
only time white rice is good is post-workout for that insulin-spike.. being asian myself and growing up on white rice.. i can definitely tell a difference between white and brown rice.. brown keeps me fuller longer.. after a while, u'll get used to the taste and not even think twice about eating brown rice..

o yeh.. and tell ur wife not to make anymore tofu/soy products!!!! soy sauce is ok though :wink:

Man your fear of soy cracks me up
Sonny said:
I prefer wild rice.

Yes. I very much prefer the taste of wild rice.

Brown Rice: Brown rice is a whole grain. The bran and germ in brown rice are left in. When the bran and germ are taken out of brown rice it becomes white or refined rice. Brown rice's only disadvantage is that it takes about 45 to 60 minutes to prepare versus the usual 20 for white rice. Brown rice has twice the fiber of white and has a much heartier taste.

Nutritional Value of Rice

One cup of brown rice cooked (195g) has 216.4 calories:
1.76g of fat
0.64g of monosaturated fat
0.63g of polyunsaturated fat
0.35g of saturated fat
44.8g of carbohydrate
5.03g of protein
0.66g of fibre
0.19 mg of thiamine (B1)
0.05mg of riboflavin
2.98mg of nicotinic acid
0.28mg of pantothenic acid
0.28mg of vit B 6
7.80mg of folic acid
19.50mg of calcium 0.82 mg of iron
1.23mg of zinc.

Wild Rice: Actually, wild rice isn't a grain at all; it's the seed of water grass. Wild rice is a good source of protein and fiber, but has a heavy taste that you may not like on first try. Try mixing wild rice with white or brown rice until you begin to appreciate its distinctive flavor.

Nutritional Value of Wild Rice

Based on 70g (1/2 cup) cooked wild rice
Dietary Fiber....1.0g
Total Carbohydrates....23.5g


(Source: Cargill Analytical Services)
Sorry about the differences in the way the two are nutritionally rated... Multiply the Wild Rice values by 2 and compare.

Wild Rice has about half the fat and twice the protein of brown rice. It also has nearly 4x the amount of fiber.

I've done my good deed for the day. I love Wild Rice. Did I mention it tastes better?
The best way to cook Brown Rice if you want it the same texture and consistency of white is in a pressure cooker. The difference has already been stated. Brown or Long-grain Wild > White.