BREAKING: Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia emails shake the presidency ***UPDATE: Gowdy Excoriates Trump***

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Collusion happened. Get over it.

  1. secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.

Trump administration: There's no evidence of collusion. 12 legal experts: Yes, there is."


From the very article you just linked...

"Keith Whittington, politics professor, Princeton University
The evidence of soliciting information for the campaign from a foreign source is clearly very strong. It would seem that we are not yet to the point of seeing evidence that members of the campaign actively colluded with the Russians to guide or encourage the hacking of the DNC or the creation and spread of false news stories on the internet, but it seems evident members of the campaign team were willing to receive negative information about Clinton from Russian sources. There might still be some open legal questions about whether the effort to receive "dirt" on Clinton from Russian nationals would qualify as "anything of value" for purposes of campaign finance laws."
Even the Russian lawyer is shitting on Drumpling Jr.! Very sad!

She told NBC that the one question he asked her was whether she had "any financial records which might prove that the funds used to sponsor the [Democratic National Convention] were coming from inappropriate sources."

When pressed by NBC's Keir Simmons on why Trump Jr. had the impression that she possessed any compromising materials, Veselnitskaya said: “It is quite possible that maybe they were longing for such an information. They wanted it so badly that they could only hear the thought that they wanted.”

Morally speaking, i dont see a problem with Jr being open to receive info about Hillary. I mean if Hillary is a dirty cunt - and she is - we should know about it. It would be immoral as Americans not to be open to information about corruption.

So it's a dumb law. People should be allowed to communicate regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality or affiliation. As long as classified info isn't being exchanged who cares.
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PBS Newshour had a great piece today describing how Russia operated to help Trump.


Wiki leaks is in Putin's pocket. Get real man
Trump's own appointment for CIA director, Mike Pompeo, has called Wikileaks nothing more than a glorified laundering service for Russian intelligence.

But he's probably just making that up because he needs to win an election.

Not even Podesta himself denies that those are his real emails that were stolen. You're taking the Russia deflection method even further than the DNC has.
So you don't think Trump committed a crime?

I'm not sure yet. It's entirely possible he didn't. My point is that impeachment isn't contingent on a crime being committed. If it turns out being owned by Russia isn't a crime I'd still consider it worthy of impeachment.
Odds are extremely high that this meeting was likely recorded by the Russians involved here. If Goldstone is a Russian agent setting up Donnie Jr, then the lawyer involved like likely involved in the plot as well. She was probably wired - meaning the Russians have exactly what was said and by whom during that meeting. If Donnie Jr or Kushner said anything incriminating during the meeting the Russians now have the ammo to blackmail them.
The more I learn about this shit show the more I think the Russians were setting up/trying to set up the Trump team the entire time. That way if the Trump admin won and they didn't do what the Russians wanted you start leaking shit to the press and you keep leaking.

Or we're back to the point that international ICs were spying on the spies and have a bunch of shit recorded that they're slowly releasing

Or someone from Trump's team is singing.

I can't wait to
Collusion is not a crime. Treason is crime. Obstruction of justice is not a crime. There is no crime called "collusion."
Obstruction of justice is most definitely a crime, but you keep being special, we all support you

Not even Podesta himself denies that those are his real emails that were stolen. You're taking the Russia deflection method even further than the DNC has.

So tell me: which country is housing Assange in its embassy?
Bernie Sanders reaction

Here's the latest blog post from that Vox article's first-listed legal expert - the one who was most stridently insisting criminality.

TLDR version: Hay guize, you know that stuff I wrote last night? Well I was kinda excited and may have gotten ahead of myself.

"Update on Don Jr. emails and criminal case: What is a “thing of value”? What is “collusion”?

When I posted on the breaking news last night, I was working with the claim that receiving opposition research information from foreign sources could be a violation of campaign finance laws. The question is if this information is a “thing of value” and if it could be covered by the criminal statute 52 USC 30121. The problem is that, even if opposition research (“dirt”) is surely something of value, it is also speech. I can find no precedent interpreting information as a “thing of value” under 52 USC 30121, and there is probably good reason for this caution.

There is a lot of damning material in Don Jr.’s emails released today, but nothing makes the meeting more than sharing information.

Here are the new details: Family friend Rob Goldstone identified the lawyer as a “Russian government attorney” who had “documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.” The material is “ultra sensitive” because it was “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.” Trump Jr., responded, “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.” It appears that Trump Jr. forwarded this thread to Kushner and Manafort, so they seem to know this context.

On the one hand, it doesn’t matter if the lawyer wasn’t in fact a Russian government attorney and that she didn’t deliver any real information. The issue is intent.

On the other hand, there is no additional evidence that Trump Jr. had any reason to believe that this information was obtained illegally (by hacking or otherwise). My concern is that it may be too big a leap to criminalize the sharing of information from a foreign national or a foreign official.

There is no free-standing crime of “collusion.” A criminal case may turn on a link between the Trump campaign and the illegal hacking, in terms of awareness, coordination, and encouragement. The bigger questions may now be about Kushner and Manafort, their lack of disclosures, and perhaps any lies or obstruction of justice."
Collusion is not a crime. Treason is crime. Obstruction of justice is not a crime. There is no crime called "collusion."
There are, however, things called "inchoate crimes" which, between them, cover the concept of collusion.
The more I learn about this shit show the more I think the Russians were setting up/trying to set up the Trump team the entire time. That way if the Trump admin won and they didn't do what the Russians wanted you start leaking shit to the press and you keep leaking.

Or we're back to the point that international ICs were spying on the spies and have a bunch of shit recorded that they're slowly releasing

Or someone from Trump's team is singing.

I can't wait to

Obstruction of justice is most definitely a crime, but you keep being special, we all support you

Where in Donald Jr.'s e-mails is there precedent for obstruction of justice? LMAO
Here's the latest blog post from that Vox article's first-listed legal expert - the one who was most stridently insisting criminality.

TLDR version: Hay guize, you know that stuff I wrote last night? Well I was kinda excited and may have gotten ahead of myself.

"Update on Don Jr. emails and criminal case: What is a “thing of value”? What is “collusion”?

When I posted on the breaking news last night, I was working with the claim that receiving opposition research information from foreign sources could be a violation of campaign finance laws. The question is if this information is a “thing of value” and if it could be covered by the criminal statute 52 USC 30121. The problem is that, even if opposition research (“dirt”) is surely something of value, it is also speech. I can find no precedent interpreting information as a “thing of value” under 52 USC 30121, and there is probably good reason for this caution.

There is a lot of damning material in Don Jr.’s emails released today, but nothing makes the meeting more than sharing information.

Here are the new details: Family friend Rob Goldstone identified the lawyer as a “Russian government attorney” who had “documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.” The material is “ultra sensitive” because it was “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.” Trump Jr., responded, “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.” It appears that Trump Jr. forwarded this thread to Kushner and Manafort, so they seem to know this context.

On the one hand, it doesn’t matter if the lawyer wasn’t in fact a Russian government attorney and that she didn’t deliver any real information. The issue is intent.

On the other hand, there is no additional evidence that Trump Jr. had any reason to believe that this information was obtained illegally (by hacking or otherwise). My concern is that it may be too big a leap to criminalize the sharing of information from a foreign national or a foreign official.

There is no free-standing crime of “collusion.” A criminal case may turn on a link between the Trump campaign and the illegal hacking, in terms of awareness, coordination, and encouragement. The bigger questions may now be about Kushner and Manafort, their lack of disclosures, and perhaps any lies or obstruction of justice."
sounds like @Cubo de Sangre post
Collusion is not a crime. Treason is crime. Obstruction of justice is not a crime. There is no crime called "collusion."
Obstruction isn't a crime?
How did Barry Bonds get convicted of it?
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