Boetsch - Fighter of the Year?


Steel Belt
Jan 2, 2009
Reaction score
If Boetsch wins on Saturday, would you consider him in the mix for fighter of the year? He'd have 3 decent wins. It definitely would've helped his case a lot more though if he'd have been fighting Weidman I think

Boetsch: Okami, Lombard (controversial), Philippou
Henderson: 2x Frankie (both controversial), Diaz
Jones: Rashad, Vitor (MW)
Hendricks: Koscheck (controversial), Kampmann

Can't really think of who else should make the list off the top of my head. Oh and I didn't include Cormier as he only fought once, Silva as he only had 1 real fight, and I didn't include Ronda as I consider her the Fighter of the Year for WMMA

It's a tough year to decide, almost everyone had some controversy in their fights
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He's had a great year for sure, beating 2 legit Top 10 guys, but Bendo is my FOTY.
Boetsch just doesn't come to my mind when I think of fighter of the year 2012.
lol, Bendo vs Edgar 1 was close but NOT controversial. Second fight was totally controversial though.

Even if Boestch beats Costa by KO, Bendo deserves it imo.

If Boestch would have KO's Weidman though, it might have been a diff story.
Ronda is clearly the fighter of the year unless you are a sexist pig.
If Boetsch wins on Saturday, would you consider him in the mix for fighter of the year? He'd have 3 decent wins. It definitely would've helped his case a lot more though if he'd have been fighting Weidman I think

Boetsch: Okami, Lombard (controversial), Philippou
Henderson: 2x Frankie (both controversial), Diaz
Jones: Rashad, Vitor
Hendricks: Koscheck (controversial), Kampmann

Can't really think of who else should make the list off the top of my head. Oh and I didn't include Cormier as he only fought once, Silva as he only had 1 real fight, and I didn't include Ronda as I consider her the Fighter of the Year for WMMA

Hendricks for sure IMO. He beat Fitch (top 5), Kampmann (top 10), and Koscheck (top 10). Doesn't get much better than that.. But to answer your question, I'd say Boetsch is a close 2nd.
Bendo become champ and defended the title two times. = FOTY
Nick Diaz! It's not like he got the shot for no reason..
With win over Weidman he def would have deserved that. But Costa? Meh..
lol, Bendo vs Edgar 1 was close but NOT controversial. Second fight was totally controversial though.

Even if Boestch beats Costa by KO, Bendo deserves it imo.

If Boestch would have KO's Weidman though, it might have been a diff story.

The Edgar fights just left a bitter taste in my mouth. Henderson did a lot to erase it though with his whooping of Diaz. I agree though that if Boetsch had been fighting Weidman and dominated him or put down a beatdown he'd have a very good claim.

If not fighter of the year though, I definitely have him for breakthrough fighter of the year if he wins
Hendricks, Bendo, Jones even Anderson have had better years.
Hendricks for sure IMO. He beat Fitch (top 5), Kampmann (top 10), and Koscheck (top 10). Doesn't get much better than that.. But to answer your question, I'd say Boetsch is a close 2nd.

Hendricks KO'd Fitch last year though, that's why I didn't put that win in
He's got to be up there. Bendo would have my vote if he had finished any of those fights (and I'm a Bendo fan).

Other Honorable Mentions would be Mike Pyle and Johnny Hendricks.

Comeback fighter would be GSP IMO, to come off an ACL and put on a great title defense like that.
Using Condits patented leg-kick n run strategy to win a robbery decision over Lombard cuz you are scared of his punches doesnt earn you FOTY, it earns you something else.
Ronda is clearly the fighter of the year unless you are a sexist pig.

WMMA should have separate awards. In fact Fighter's Only does have a female fighter of the year and that's clearly Ronda. Just because she armbarred 2 people this year does not make her fighter of the year. She's a big fish in a small pond and it's hard to stack up her accomplishments against the male division as there's actually established male fighter's and not just 5 female fighters that are known. She win female fighter of the year, leave it at that until there's actually competition in WMMA