BJJ belts in ur school


White Belt
Apr 30, 2005
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I was just wondering what the belt structure is in peoples schools around world. example white to blue and so school has just adopted different colors inbetween white and blue. is that common for adult training.


The school I just left has at least two belts in between blue. Theres white with blue stripe and then blue with white stripes, which is a step away from blue. The other belts which may or may not exist include a half blue belt, and similar schemes. Regardless, they're not a necessity for blue belt and you recieve the one you deserve, not the next in the sequence.
White, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black, Greenpolkadots w/red stripes indicates grandmaster.
My school follows Royce's scheme. It's white, blue, purple, brown, black. Just recently Royce changed the belt structure for kids. I don't remember it all but there are a lot more now. His reasoning was that if a kid started at 6 it was taking them 4 years to get to the next belt. Now they'll be able to have more fequent advancement. I like that BJJ belts are hard to earn but changing the scheme for little kids is a good think IMHO.
its good for buisness to hand out belts... keeps peoples mora'l up and they continue to pay for classes if they think they are getting better.
We had this discussion here once, and a belt between white and blue is fast becoming very common in gyms. though it won
I got 2 stripes the other day on my white belt and it feels like it was to keep me coming back. I don't know why though, the guys are very nice and I already paid 6 months up front....Oh well, I only wrestle with instructors basically because of my size/strength.
i'm a white belt and i'm cool with the traditional 5 color scheme. what do you guys think of the stripe stuff? some schools do it, some don't. seems like it would be really variable from school to school. is a 3-stripe white THAT MUCH DIFFERENT from a 1-stripe white???
Up to 4 stripes between the belts, fine. New belts being introduced? BULLSHIT. If no BJJ organisations recognise it, it's bullshit.

Unless you are a child there should be no belts between white and blue in BJJ.
They should NEVER change this belt system they have in place.

White > Blue > Purple > Brown > Black

It gives true meaning to getting your belt. Instead of just getting one every year.
I think there are plenty of belts even for kids..

White, blue, purple, brown and black for adults.
If you add the kiddie grades of yellow, orange and green, and 4 stripes on each belt, a kid will have to advance 35 times before his blackbelt. Theres plenty of time. How many times do you need to get promoted?
i beleive in the standard belt scheme. but they have now added yellow and orange between white and blue...crazy i think
at my school its the usual white blue purple brown black, but you can also test in japanese style, which seems like its basically for guys who dont want to just wear a white belt for 2 years
I like stripes myself. It lets you know you're headed in the right direction. Not that you wouldn't already know if that was the case, but having the instructer say so means something. Also, in my school, stripes are basically seperate ranks. I skipped from white belt to the Irvin equivalent of 5 stripes so I'm not sure how many strips are used by that particular branch, but theres at least one prior to that. The first stripe white with a blue stripe means you're learning. After that, they continue all the way to a blue belt with one white stripe. Those guys outrank the rest of the white belts, standing closer to the front and possibly taking more advanced classes. It generally means they're a step away from blue. To me thats inspirational and pushes me to elevate my game so I can actually get the blue. No harm in it certainly.
Gsoares2 said:
its good for buisness to hand out belts... keeps peoples mora'l up and they continue to pay for classes if they think they are getting better.
That's basically what the belt system is for. Belts mean nothing. When I was taking Hapkido I had to teach a few classes to kids and their parents would always complain if we did not advance them through the belts and the head instructor and I had to tell them that their child is not good enough for the next belt and not to focus on belts. As you can imagine we lost a lot of children but we kept the adults. Belts do not mean anything but since most poeple put so much emphesis on belts it is a good idea for a good instructor not to give them out easily since the students represent the school. A bad instructor will give them out like candy to make money.
belts between white & blue?

what colors are there?

I think I've seen

white-yellow-orange-green-then finally blue

going from white to blue with no stripes no nothing, for about 2 years is very discouraging LOL
triso said:
They should NEVER change this belt system they have in place.

White > Blue > Purple > Brown > Black

It gives true meaning to getting your belt. Instead of just getting one every year.

A couple guys have said the same thing, but I'll quote this one.

We're pretty traditional about belts at my academy (Gracie Barra Mamazinho), which is one of the reasons I chose the academy I did. I'll look forward to the opportunity to get my blue belt and so on. But I really just want to learn jiu jitsu and get really, really good at it. I prefer gi jiu jitsu, so I'll always be wearing a belt of some sort. But it really is just to keep my jacket closed as far as I'm concerned.

It doesn't hurt that I've got a black belt in TKD, and have already been through the white-yellow-orange-green-red-blue-blue stripe-brown-brown stripe belt routine ...
many schools I've noticed ignore stripes.
even a famous instructor can be very inconsistant with them.
since helio wears a blue belt, we should change the belt system to white -> blue (and that's all).