BJJ Belt brands

NEVER wash your belt!!!!!!!
your belt represents all the hard work you have put in, washing it, washes that away!

washing it washes away disease

it will still be the same colour after the wash

i dont understand how dirt on a belt = hard work??
NEVER wash your belt!!!!!!!
your belt represents all the hard work you have put in, washing it, washes that away!

along with the funk, staph, ring worm, herpes and whatever else can be found on grappling mats (and opponents).
Sorry. What the hell is me with double posting today...
I use Atama but both of my gis are Atama. It is a great brand and isn't flimsy.
Most of the guys in my class use either atama or gameness. I have a kikskin and gorilla fight gear belt. My GFG belt is a thick beefy belt compared to my kikskin wich is paper thin.
i just got an ouano belt with my new gi and it seems nice i put it thru the wash twice to weaken it a bit
I have a BadBoy that I got a couple years ago and I love it! Only problem is, I think the stopped making belts. At least I cant find them.
Had a Krugans and hated it I know have a Gameness and love it, use Koral and atama gi's btw
atama old belts were great but new belts suck
I got a Kaizen Athletics belt for like $10 or something. A bit stiff at first but it stays tied which is all I care about.
I have a Toraki belt.
Very nice, thick and heavy, but also very stiff and not easy to knot.
I have an Ouano, its my first belt so I don't have anything to compare it to. I also don't think the type of belt matter nearly as much as the type of Gi.

The World Champion BB that comes to our club for seminars has a Mizuno. I checked online and they range in price from $10-$199 (Grappling for all your Grappling needs 24/7)
^Holy cow at the $200 belt, and that seems to be mostly because of the box. >_<
atama old belts were great but new belts suck

Can anyone else comment on the current Atama belts? I was thinking of ordering an Atama but I might give them a miss if the new ones are really that bad.
My Atama is doing just fine. It's not cardboard round the waist so it gets that bite when you tie it up. Rarely slips off. I prefer a softer belt (which it is) so long as it locks up once tied and you can get on.
Can anyone else comment on the current Atama belts? I was thinking of ordering an Atama but I might give them a miss if the new ones are really that bad.

The new atamas are thin and skinny. The old ones were thick and wide. The new ones suck. When I got my purple belt, I ordered from atama and couldn't believe what came in the mail. I took some pictures of the difference in quality between my blue belt and the purple they sent me.



The purple is 1 and 1/2 inches wide, the blue is 1 and 3/4 inches wide. When you're a big guy like me, you really come to appreciate that extra quarter of an inch.

When I emailed atama to ask them why the belts changed, they sent me this response:

"The factory started to change the width and thickness of the belt, couple of years ago, because of the high amount of complains form customers that because the belt was too thick, it would untie constantly. This change was made based on customers requests. We can guarantee the quality remains the same."

I've since ordered a Koral, and I like it, it's thicker than my new atama but still only 1 and 1/2 inches wide. I'm still searching for a nice thick, wide belt. If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear from you.