Bill Starr 5x5 questions

CQB Ninja

White Belt
Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Alright so I'm going to be starting the Bill Starr 5x5 soon, i've done my research but still have some questions.

-I would like to add chinups, forearm/grip work, and abs to the mix

-I am thinking chinups on monday & friday, with grip work everyday

-Also i want to do cardio as well so i also thought about light cardio on lifting days, such as before and after lifting, then do HIIT or something tuesday, thursday, saturday, then take sunday off

-now i'm stuck with when to do abs, would the best time to do them be on my lifting days along with grip work or should i do them on my cardio days?

-also to those of you who have done the routine, IF you incorporated the same things i want to do into your routine, info on how you did it would be appreciated.

thanks for the help S&C!
You cant do everything at once. Take a step back and reexamine your biggest goals.

If you want do 1-2 grip/ab exercises during your regular workouts either in between of main exercises or at the end.

If you want to do chins then do them instead of powercleans or rows. In fact if you're fairly new to lifting, do chins instead of powercleans. However use good form, start with arms completely straight with only a slight flex in the elbows and go until you touch the bar to the chest (if you're able).

Light cardio before or after lifting is fine however if your goal is to build strength/muscle, I'd avoid the more intense HIIT.
I was guessing he's probably doing the 1st one, the one for beginners.
I did the Bill Starr 5x5 here: and got great results!! Chinups/pullups are part of the routine. I incorporated grip & ab work at the end of each workout.

Did not do much conditioning with this workout since I was focusing on building strength. I did eat a lot :)

My results are skewed since I started this after not lifting forever, but you can see my workouts & results on the 1st few pages here:

Good Luck!
Thank for the replies!

Yes, i am doing the one out of the FAQ. I'm not much of a beginner, usually i've just done my own routines and just now decided to start a professionally made one.

DEVILsSON; thanks for the advice i think i'll take it and do grip and ab work on my lifting days and cut out chins for now and do the routine as its written

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