Bill O’Reilly on COVID-19..."Many people were on their last legs anyway"

The Big Bang

Silver Belt
Mar 14, 2013
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Is he THAT stupid...and or THAT cruel to say that IN PUBLIC?

What the fuck is his problem?

Seriously, even Hannity knew that was a fucked thing to say.

‘Many people who are dying, both here and around the world were on their last legs anyway, and I don’t want to sound callous about that.’

That’s former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly explaining to Sean Hannity why he believes the coronavirus pandemic is being overblown.

“The [U.S. death toll] projections that you just mentioned are down to 60,000, I don’t think it will be that high — 13,000 dead now in the USA,” O’Reilly added.

Hannity’s response? “You’re going to get hammered for that,” he said, before doing his best to soften the blow by helping O’Reilly clarify exactly what he meant.

After the interview, Hannity’s prediction quickly came true. O’Reilly, no stranger to controversy, definitely was hammered on Twitter TWTR, 0.43% , where he was a top-trending topic.
Meh... Millennials have been calling COV19 the Boomer Remover for awhile now.
It was nice not hearing peep from that neocon for a few years.
Meh, there's some truth to that. Some. But why the fuck is anyone interviewing Bill O'Reilly at this time? He's not a doctor, a scientist, a politician. It's a talking head interviewing a talking head, the ultimate in worthlessness.
The average age among the corona deaths here in Montreal is 82, so there’s definitely truth to the statement, but we didn’t need O’Reilly to tell us that. It’s also not comprehensively true.
*checks Wikipedia*
Bill O'Reilly is 70 years old.


Oh hai coronavirus
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Pretty mild on the "insensitivity" scale for Mr. O'Reilly.
He's pretty much right though. I mean, of course there are some exceptions.
Well old people dying is positive according to @7437.
Lots of young people also have been hospitalized. There are reports out there that the virus has permanently damaged even recovered patients.
The average age among the corona deaths here in Montreal is 82, so there’s definitely truth to the statement, but we didn’t need O’Reilly to tell us that. It’s also not comprehensively true.


Ok, the bottom line is that YOU would not say that for the world to hear.

Any sliver of a decent human would NOT say that aloud in while being interviewed.


Ok, the bottom line is that YOU would not say that for the world to hear.

Any sliver of a decent human would NOT say that aloud in while being interviewed.

So maybe that's why you need guys like Bill Oreilly to talk about to the corona virus. He's not an expert but he's the only guy who will say what everyone is thinking. An expert can't really say that without losing his career. Maybe things that can cost people their careers are things that need to be heard. That means he can do things that experts can't do.
Bill's an asshole, been an asshole his whole life and has made a career out of being an asshole. Does anyone think he's suddenly going to censor his opinions because someone may think he's an asshole?
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Lots of young people also have been hospitalized. There are reports out there that the virus has permanently damaged even recovered patients.
Yes but the scale is exponentially different
I had a black patient with cystic fibrosis once. Does that mean that we should base decisions around that? Or is that far outside the norm?

thing to remember here is that we are classing anyone who does and has corona as a corona death.
everyone should just live forever
it'd be poetic justice if he eventually gets it and croaks...