Bill O’Reilly on COVID-19..."Many people were on their last legs anyway"

Division 2 and Resident Evil 3 Remake. U?

I haven't played RE3 remake yet. I am looking forward to it. Do you think the RE2 remake is better?

I'm all up into retro stuff when I get the time lately, and for research purposes as I am a concept designer/artist/sculptor.

I mainly use my Analogue Super NT to play actual SNES carts on.
Billy is a loudmouth bully and he looks like the guy who will go into death absolutely terrified because he has no real character, only typical right wing bravado.
Doctors have been telling us for months that the people most at risk of dying are old people with aggravating conditions. Bill isn't telling you anything new.

Again you are confusing the statements. What u said to your mom is not what Bill O’Reilly said. I think you need remedial English lessons...
I haven't played RE3 remake yet. I am looking forward to it. Do you think the RE2 remake is better?

I'm all up into retro stuff when I get the time lately, and for research purposes as I am a concept designer/artist/sculptor.

I mainly use my Analogue Super NT to play actual SNES carts on.

too early in the game to say but I am having fun. Nemesis is an asshole and I hate him... are human then, correct?

What portion of my post did you take exception to? Media gleefully informs you of the death tally as often as they can but they aren't telling you much about why the majority of these people are dying. If most of them are in poor health prior to getting coronavirus, I'd like to know that. Wouldn't you? If you were diagnosed with it tomorrow, wouldn't you feel a little better knowing the likelihood of death is small, assuming you are in reasonably good health? The media is playing off your fears. That doesn't mean we don't need to be taking it seriously but the hopelessness they want you to feel is not helping us.
I’m surprised this dude hasn’t been put back on tv by conservatives already. I mean all he did was beat his wife and rape women
I’m surprised this dude hasn’t been put back on tv by conservative already. I mean all he did was beat his wife and rape women

Shhh they might make him president if you say this too loud.
So maybe that's why you need guys like Bill Oreilly to talk about to the corona virus. He's not an expert but he's the only guy who will say what everyone is thinking. An expert can't really say that without losing his career. Maybe things that can cost people their careers are things that need to be heard. That means he can do things that experts can't do.
And if this had been the opinion of some talking head on MSNBC or CNN?
Piece of shit says something only a piece of shit would say.
I wonder if the oldies (and people with underlying health condtions) who watch fox will finally step out of their ring wing cult bubble and see that people like Bill O'reilly gives zero fucks about them and they've been conned the whole time?

Who am I kidding? That'll never happen.
I wonder if the oldies (and people with underlying health condtions) who watch fox will finally step out of their ring wing cult bubble and see that people like Bill O'reilly gives zero fucks about them and they've been conned the whole time?

Who am I kidding? That'll never happen.

Nah, they'll just tell themselves he's talking about someone else and not them.

Like women dancing in clubs to songs about how women are sluts and hoes
