Economy Biden offers to send $4 billion to Honduras, guatemela, El Salvodor

aka other indigenous Guatemalans.
aka the governments we specifically installed and supported, hence the responsibility to account for all the horrific genocide which happened, again, for almost 40 years.
aka the governments we specifically installed and supported, hence the responsibility to account for all the horrific genocide which happened, again, for almost 40 years.
aka other Guatemalans
aka other Guatemalans
The ScorpioN: "We shouldn't give them foreign aid because it won't go to the peasants."
Limbo Pete: "But you support what the genocidal regimes did to the peasants."
The ScorpioN: "Yes, they were communists."
Limbo Pete: "So why would you want aid to go to them? Also, they were peasants being ethnically exterminated."
The ScorpioN: "By other Guatemalans."
Limbo Pete: "That we installed and supported after overthrowing their election."
The ScorpioN: "It was us or them."
Limbo Pete: "And by us, you mean our proxy regimes, and by them, you mean the peasants that you think both should and shouldn't get foreign aid, and were ok to genocide?"
The ScorpioN: "I eat paint."
The ScorpioN: "We shouldn't give them foreign aid because it won't go to the peasant."
Limbo Pete: "But you support what the genocidal regimes did to the peasants."
The ScorpioN: "Yes, they were communists."
Limbo Pete: "So why would you want aid to go to them? Also, they were peasants being ethnically exterminated."
The ScorpioN: "By other Guatemalans."
Limbo Pete: "That we installed and supported after overthrowing their election."
The ScorpioN: "It was us or them."
Limbo Pete: "And by us, you mean our proxy regimes, and by them, you mean the peasants that you think both should and shouldn't get foreign aid, and were ok to genocide?"
The ScorpioN: "I eat paint."
Pete: "if the US didn't give Guatemalans A rifles, they would be living in peace with Guatemalans B"
Dr. Scorpion: "No that's stupid"
Pete: "if the US didn't give Guatemalans A rifles, they would be living in peace with Guatemalans B"
Dr. Scorpion: "No that's stupid"
...we overthrew their election and installed a bloodthirsty regime, which was replaced by a number of other US supported, bloodthirsty regimes, and all of them targeted indigenous Mayans for extermination to a more or less zealous and successful degree. Keep in mind that persecution had nothing to do with politics, but was ethnically targeted. And this went on for 36 years to the tune of hundreds of thousands of deaths and dissapearances.
I'd say you're all over the map with this, but i'm not sure you've ever looked at one or could find Guatemala on it.
...we overthrew their election and installed a bloodthirsty regime, which was replaced by a number of other US supported, bloodthirsty regimes, and all of them targeted indigenous Mayans for extermination to a more or less zealous and successful degree. Keep in mind that persecution had nothing to do with politics, but was ethnically targeted. And this went on for 36 years to the tune of hundreds of thousands of deaths and dissapearances.
I'd say you're all over the map with this, but i'm not sure you've ever looked at one or could find Guatemala on it.
I've been to Guatemala and know more Guatemalans than you've ever spoken to.
Nothing to do with politics eh? USSR didn't train and supply guerillas in Guatemala? Neat!
I've been to Guatemala and know more Guatemalans than you've ever spoken to.
Nothing to do with politics eh? USSR didn't train and supply guerillas in Guatemala? Neat!
You've been to Guatemala? Whoa! So have I!
Who gives a shit lmao
You've been to Guatemala? Whoa! So have I!
Who gives a shit lmao
Sad place. If you've been you would know where those 4 billion would end up, so why do you have your panties in a bunch over people being against sending it?
Yes, and in no small part due to our installation and support of numerous genocidal regimes over the course of almost 40 years lol
It's very similar in South America, so I wouldn't be too sure about that.
Why do you want to flush money down the toiler though? You know it'll end up in gated communities driving in bullet proof vehicles to restaurants guarded by security with automatic rifles.
Or is it just bitterness?
For Pete indigenous people have no agency

lmao at this babble and at a jew being a white nationalist, christ
also, you've never read Evola, your wikipedia tier knowledge is shallow and pedantic

A Jew can be a white nationalist, as Stephen Miller is. It's weird that this is some beyond the pale thing to you.

You've brought zero real argument relating to withholding needed aid, and you couldn't even bother to read the study that could've elucidated the basic facts of the situation for you. Sad.
And by flushing down the toilet, do you mean it would go or not go to the peasants you seem to think were somehow justifiably murdered en masse for almost 40 years?
ones that are alive there today right now
Their civil war ended in 1996 lmao you think this is, like, ancient history or some shit lol
The average Guatemalan was born years after that ended.

It’s really smooth brained to think that Guatemala’s problems are a result of the US, when they were impoverished prior to US interference.

The country has an unforgiving geography (which is why it is largely indigenous; the Spanish can’t easily assimilate people who are living up in a mountain) and has major issues with corruption.

It is physically and financially difficult to create an economy of scale when the country is fractured by highlands. Add some corruption and you have everlasting poverty.
All of those small businesses being forced to close during the pandemic can kick rocks i guess...