Elections biden day one executive orders!!!


Gold Belt
Mar 23, 2020
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i cant see anything wrong with any of these in fact they all sound really good. i am especially in favor of reinstated the regulations that keep large scale corporations like coal mining from poisoning human beings. glad biden beat trump and is looking out for the health and well-being of american citizens.

1- rejoin paris climate accord!! and allocate 2 trillion dollars for infrastructure and clean energy and 0 emissions by 2050

2- rejoin WHO health org. make corona virus a top priority

3- repeal the travel ban on Muslims

4- reinstate DREAMers act and allow children of undocumented workers to remain in the united states

5- reverse trump rollback of 100 obama health/environmental rules.

First two are no-brainers, but I think the last three deserve a review and update according to new information. Maybe go even further, maybe less.
Are Muslims still banned? I thought that ended like 3 months after Trump implemented the ban.

WHO has blown this pandemic big time and has shown favoritism to China.

Basically just undoing some things Trump did, much like Trump did to Obama.
1. Make tickling children that aren't yours legal.

2. Open up the borders.

3. Allow felons to vote, even twice for time served.

4. Abolish ice, and create a new platform to streamline illegals into California and Texas especially.
Joe can spend 2 trillion via executive order?

Fuck the WHO. Last I knew they were still allowing China to refuse any outside investigation on covid.

Less Islam the better.

Great for the environment. Probably bad for our industry, and to the benefit of China.
1. Make tickling children that aren't yours legal.

2. Open up the borders.

3. Allow felons to vote, even twice for time served.

4. Abolish ice, and create a new platform to streamline illegals into California and Texas especially.

Is this your wishlist?
1. Make tickling children that aren't yours legal.

2. Open up the borders.

3. Allow felons to vote, even twice for time served.

4. Abolish ice, and create a new platform to streamline illegals into California and Texas especially.

i cant see anything wrong with any of these in fact they all sound really good. i am especially in favor of reinstated the regulations that keep large scale corporations like coal mining from poisoning human beings. glad biden beat trump and is looking out for the health and well-being of american citizens.

1- rejoin paris climate accord!! and allocate 2 trillion dollars for infrastructure and clean energy and 0 emissions by 2050

2- rejoin WHO health org. make corona virus a top priority

3- repeal the travel ban on Muslims

4- reinstate DREAMers act and allow children of undocumented workers to remain in the united states

5- reverse trump rollback of 100 obama health/environmental rules.



The PCA was by denounced by both parties pre Trump.

Who? OK so it’s China first then...

3 Is not even a real thing

4 fine

5 hello $4 gas!!!
I guess I am going to have to put my muhamad drawings in a lockbox if #3 comes to fruition. I have too much of a pretty head for it to be cut clean off :(
hiya Cubo de Sangre,

Great for the environment. Probably bad for our industry, and to the benefit of China.

Great for the environment. Probably bad for some industries, probably good for others.

since much of the tech for clean energy is currently made in China, yes, its good for China. then again, lots of things are good for China. if the GAP has record sales, its good for China. if Apple sells a record amount of Iphones, its good for China. if i upgrade all my Nikon gear for work, its good for China.


that's life, Cubo.

1. Make tickling children that aren't yours legal.

2. Open up the borders.

3. Allow felons to vote, even twice for time served.

4. Abolish ice, and create a new platform to streamline illegals into California and Texas especially.

not going to lie but I still find it wrong that he did that. I mean if the parents didnt say nothing after watching it then who are we to judge it. Still Trump is no saint himself and I actually believe him and his pal Epstein did some real dirty shit together.