you know, if i just stopped giving enough of a fuck about my life that i would put myself in a position where i would either be put to death or have to spend the rest of my life inside of a prison, i would take the death penalty. no appeals. just hurry up get it over with.
ain't no way i'm gonna be eager to spend every day living like a shell of a human being and always looking over my shoulder for the next inmate that is going to shank me. i don't think i'd be able to last a decade without losing my mind and trying to kill myself.
yeah, if faced with the death penalty or life in prison with no chance of ever getting out, i would even ask the judge to give me death during my sentencing and i'm sure i'm not the only one. it wouldnt take too many years before it goes from me doing the time to the time doing me, and i don't think i could handle that kind of mental torture, unless they are gonna put me in a penthouse apartment suite like they do to inmates in norway.