Best time to train?


French knickers belt
Nov 19, 2004
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I train quite late at night usually (around 10-11 o'clock). I'm generally a night person. Hate the morning and do most things at night and this includes weights. Is this a bad idea? I'm not sure of the optimum time to be lifting weights or whether there is one. Does lifting late affect the rate of repair or the amount of repairing done to the muscle?
Actually, there's a some research suggesting that morning training may be most effective (high HGH and test levels). I've also read that around 4 in the afternoon is ideal. You should definitely try to train when the sun is up though, but if you can't, training at night is better than not training.
I like lifting weights after breakfast, time depends on when I wake up.
There is no optimum time of day to be lifting, the sun has no influence on your performance in the gym. The optimum time is when you feel like it.
Sounds good. I find training in the morning a lot harder than night. I guess thats just because the blood isnt running around my muscles yet. I did go running in the morning but i found out yesterday that i have a fracture in my heel left heel bone (i have been walking/limping on it for 2 weeks thinking it was a bruise) so now is a good time to start doing more weights while i'm not traing Muay Thai and Kung fu but i was about to start training for the london marathon. Spose that will have to go on hold. Maybe you will see me on it in a year and a half. I will be the skinny, black guy at the front :D
No the sun has no influence on your performance, but hormonally we're engineered to be diurnal, which means sleeping while the sun is down (the hours of sleep you get before midnight are found to be almost twice as restful as those afterwards) and ative when it's up. Most people function best this way, but you're right: the sun itself has little effect on it.
best time to when you got the time to train!!!3am or 10pm..go for it..!!
So you are saying if its 3 in the morning and i facny wailing into my 270lbs punch bag, to just go fot it?
I dont think that it matters a lot.
Urban is bang on the money with both posts.

I train in the morning (about half 9), as due to work, it's either train then or not at all.

Working out in the afternoon would be good because i) you'd have decent levels of food/nutrients flowing through you by then, and ii) you'll probably have more energy as well.

Although the best time to train is the time that's best for you (oh man what a cop-out).
GO do some cardio when u wake up. Have breakfast a nap watch some tv. Then go Lift
Train at a time that consistently fits in your schedule/life.

Don't stress if you have classes or work graves/swing shift and sleep during a hormonally optimal training time. Hitting the weights with a good program, rest, and nutrition at a time that works for you will get better results than missed or half hearted sessions at a peak time.
I think night training is the worst.

it says somethign about your life style.

I hate training at night, cause I dont know when to eat.
I end up hungry or wanting to vomit.

also have trouble sleeping afterwards.

my body is too sore, & if I sleep like that it gets worse.
There are bodybuilders that train around the clock. I like to train in the afternoon. My body's fully warmed up and ready to work. If I was training for an event, say a fight at 7 P.M., I might try to put in some heavy workouts around 7 P.M. -- kinda sports-specific time training.
Urban said:
Actually, there's a some research suggesting that morning training may be most effective (high HGH and test levels). I've also read that around 4 in the afternoon is ideal. You should definitely try to train when the sun is up though, but if you can't, training at night is better than not training.

I like training in the morning, anyway, so it's good to know that it's actually more beneficial. One question, should I take a protein shake before I workout?
Uh, if you feel like you can keep it down while you workout. It's not a must.

I think it's just generally best to not train on an empty stomach. I try to eat (or drink a shake as the case may be) about an hour and a half before I go in to lift. If you go any sooner, you're likely to get nauseous.
just get your muscles sore, then recover. repeate.
VampireMonk said:
I think night training is the worst.

it says somethign about your life style.

What does it say about my lifestyle?
Whatever time you have, make use of it. However, I find tht my best results came from lifting anywhere between 1-4PM
Uh, if you feel like you can keep it down while you workout. It's not a must.

I think it's just generally best to not train on an empty stomach. I try to eat (or drink a shake as the case may be) about an hour and a half before I go in to lift. If you go any sooner, you're likely to get nauseous.

You are suppossed to leave 2 hours between eating and doing exercise