Best Sherdog gifs/memes


Oh. My. God. That. Is. Fucking. Hilarious.
I agree on the Fedor one.... the other for me is the "Cain Buck" beating up Lesnar.

Yeah Cain Buck was good! I think the Fedor one was made by a sherdogger too.

There was an epic post in one of the shoop tournaments of various pieces of famous people used to create that female ref or something... I don't remember exactly but maybe you know the one. It was amazing.
Best gif has to be that one where Jardine sprawls and faceplants, I can watch it all day.
Isn't the me and my boys out at the bar thing with all the guido's a sherdog original?

That got freaking huge. I saw that on all kinds of random forums.

Isn't the me and my boys out at the bar thing with all the guido's a sherdog original?

That got freaking huge. I saw that on all kinds of random forums.


Honest to fuck...if i ran into these assholes I'd think I was involved in a vampire snuff flick or something.
The Sonnen Okami Dafoe shoop is epic and part of an epic archived thread - mbl Pwnd can't link
That Diego Sanchez shoop thread after he robbed Pearson had some epic ones, including a shoop involving Kim Winslow. You know the one. Somebody post it.