Best last 10 minutes of any movie?

Hate to be typical, and its a little more than 10 minutes, but the ending of 2001 is the correct answer.

I'm not sure any answer can be more typical than Scarface.

I felt so generic saying it but what can I say... It's classic.
I didn't see George Clooney's verbal dressing down of Tilda Swinton at the end of Michael Clayton getting mentioned, so I'll go with that.

The end of Smokin Aces was awesome. The rest of the movie sucked though.

Lol I thought the ending was pretty cool too. Movie could have been pretty good, the violence was entertaining but iirc it took a long while for it to start being entertaining
Drainage! Drainage, Eli! You boy!

Honorable mention to Requiem of a Dream, the last 10 minutes of that movie is some pretty hardcore stuff.

No joke, these were the exact 2 movies I had in mind.
Great one.

The Fountain

WHERE'S THE Black Swan love?!?!

Um... Terminator 2

Good choices. The Fountain is a movie that was either a masterpiece or complete horse shit depending on who you talk to. I watched it, did some digging online to find out what was actually happening, then rewatch it again.
rocky 1 and 2!
pans labyrinth (it's a great answer to lots of movie questions)
american beauty
ice storm
Taxi driver

Among a lot of really good answers, this one stands out. Also, Aliens was top notch; it doesn't get much better than nuking your problem only to see it followed you home.

My suggestion is North By Northwest. It wasn't subtitled The Man in Lincoln's Nose for nothing.

And no, haven't seen The Last of the Mohicans but it's on my to do list.
Last of the Maguas and Heat are my two favorite.

Pacino Scent of a Woman speech honorable mention.

EDIT: That stretch in Platoon culminating in the death of Elias is exceptional as well.


10 min to go, and you think, goddamn this shit's finally about to be over!
Tombstone, not sure of exactly how far back the ending sequence but it's amazing.

Obviously Last of
The Mohicans.

The Mist is the most depressing ending ever.

Deathproof actually had a fantastic ending sequence.
Last of the Mohicans and it's not even close.
First time "O Fortuna" is used in a movie (I think). King Arthur charging off to battle his bastard son/nephew. Shit gives me goosebumps every time