Best last 10 minutes of any movie?

You're welcome to your opinion.

A lot of fanatics can't believe I think The Dark Knight is way overrated either so I know the feeling.

I'm with you on The Dark Knight, although I think that's one of those movies where a lot of kids saw it in high school and it made an impression that'll last a lifetime. Like when you talk to people who think Goonies was a good movie and then you realise, "Oh yeah, you were a kid in the 80s."
Although most of the Star Wars prequels were utter shit, the last part of Revenge of the Sith brings the Feels. Especially the end of the Obi Wan vs Anikan/Vader fight,

"You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring order to the Force, not leave it in darkness!":cool:
I always loved the last 10 minutes of The Princess Bride.

Inigo vs The Six Fingered Man.
Wesley psyching out Humperdink with his masterful/hilarious bluff.
Fezzik appearing outside the window with the horses ("Hello lady!") and Buttercup floating down to him.
And good old Columbo telling his grandson Fred Savage, "As you wish."