Best "Greens" for your buck?


White Belt
Feb 25, 2007
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Im looking to supplement my daily food intake with some greens, and Ive read many good things about the powdered greens you can mix with water / juice. I do my best eating real veggies during the day, but on work days that can be tough considering Im an EMT and am confined to my ambulance for hours at a time. And Im not a big fan of most veggies anyways, chugging something gross would work better for me than chewing. :p I tried to search for this topic by the way, couldnt find anying much. ><

So Im just looking for a good brand to pick up. Ive read about the GNC one, and something about one Randy Couture takes, I just want a good brand of greens thats not overly expensive. Thanks!
Randy's is expensive but it looks like pretty good stuff. I use GNC's. Many other people use Greens+.
I like greens+

I also want to try trader joes greens. It is dirt cheap compared to most greens supplements.
add another vote for greens+

rather economical, and by FAR the best tasting greens supplement I've used, including the GNC one, Now's PhytoGreens, Randy's green pills, and Light Force (Randy's former greens).
I cast my vote for Trader Joe's greens powder.
Greens+ gets my vote; if a powdered greens supplement is really cheap, and seems too good to be true, it probably is. IMO, you get what you pay for in this department.

When I used to work straight EMS and we did roving deployment, I'd carry my powdered greens in a shaker cup, and just add water when I had a chance. I sympathize, bro. For many years I ate many meals looking out the windshield of an ambulance.
there is no such thing as trader joes in texas (to my knowledge) is that a northern thing?
ive got this organic greens that i get from the nutrition store by my house, cheaper than greens+, also organic and no fillers... quite nice check if you can find it, its in a darker bottle with a green and blue label
NOW's Phytogreens are about $16/mo and are very comparable to most other greens products I've checked.
Trader Joe's is 9.99 per bottle. I don't remember off hand how many servings that gets you, but it's pretty cheap.
i always used the gnc greens

im gonna give greens+ a go
Broccoli and spinach are pretty cheap per lbs.
I take Greens+, but I only take 2/3tsp a day because it's so damn expensive! $65 per 510ml : (
Greens+ I only take 2 tsp because it is

Although, mine is only $40 :)
Jarrow Super Green Defense and Biochem 100% Greens and Whey